Derek Jeter finally gets the internet, posts dog pics

Derek Jeter announced his website The Players’ Tribune shortly after his retirement just over a year ago, and it seems he is finally getting the hang of what people want on the internet, as his latest article contains a lot of dog pictures.
Derek Jeter finally gets the internet, posts dog pics
Derek Jeter finally gets the internet, posts dog pics /

Derek Jeter announced his website The Players’ Tribune shortly after his retirement just over a year ago, and it seems he is finally getting the hang of what people want on the internet, as his latest article contains a lot of dog pictures.

via The Players’ Tribune

Jeter’s latest post tells the story of how he overcame his lifelong fear of dogs caused by the movie Cujo to love his Italian mastiff, Kane.

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Remember that movie? The one about the killer dog? I watched it when I was young and, man, it terrified me. After that movie, I was not messing with dogs at all. Big dogs, medium dogs, little dogs — it didn’t matter. I saw them all as threats.

The longtime Yankees shortstop tells of how he and Kane have grown together over the last year, especially the dog, which now weighs over 100 pounds, according to Jeter.

The pup was a Christmas gift from Hannah Davis, Jeter’s fiancee, whose family is a longtime fan of the breed.

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