Rocky series memorabilia sells at Stallone auction

The red, white and blue boxing trunks worn by Sylvester Stallone in Rocky IV among the many items sold at Stallone the Auction on Friday night, according to ESPN's Arash Markazi.
The trunks were sold for $51,250 and feature a little bit of blood from Stallone's real fighting for the film with actor Dolph Lundgren.
The small rubber handball that Rocky Balboa plays with in the opening scenes of Rocky IV sold for $32,500.
The small black rubber handball from Rocky and Rocky II just sold for $32,500.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 18, 2015
Balboa's black leather jacket, presumably from when he was dealing with the loan sharks at the beginning of the first Rocky film, sold for $149,000.
Stallone's black leather jacket from Rocky just sold for $149,000.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 18, 2015
• Watch: Michael B. Jordan takes punch on the set of Creed
After Balboa started winning, he started treating himself with his spending in Rocky II. He purchased a new home, jewelry, a fur coat for his wife Adrian and he bought himself a jacket with a tiger featured on the back. The jacket sold for $42,500 on Friday night, which is presumably much more than Balboa spent.
The Tiger jacket from Rocky II just sold for $42,500.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 18, 2015
Apollo Creed's America-patterned coat and top hat that he wore before his final fight in Rocky IV, sold for $43,750.
The Carl Weathers American flag light up costume from Rocky IV just sold for $43,750.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 19, 2015
The outfit worn by Ivan Drago, Creed's final opponent, sold for slightly more at $45,000. Lundgren was wearing the robe when he proclaimed, “If he dies, he dies.”
The Dolph Lundgren outfit from Rocky IV just sold for $45,000. #IvanDrago #IfHeDiesHeDies
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 19, 2015
Spoiler Alert: The tombstone for Rocky's wife Adrian was once made of Styrofoam before Stallone declared that it looked “too tacky” and ordered a stone one to be used on the set. The tombstone was sold for $4,000. At the end of Rocky Balboa, the sixth film in the series, the boxer pays one last visit to his wife in the series and says “Yo Adrian, we did it.”
The prop headstone for Adrian Balboa just sold for $4,000.
— Arash Markazi (@ArashMarkazi) December 19, 2015
For a full list of items featured, click here.
- Christopher Chavez