Cheerleader of the Week: Heidi
Cheerleader of the Week: Heidi
Meet Heidi of the Arizona Cardinals who was a competitive roller skater growing up.
If she were on Twitter, "I would want Jake Gyllenhaal to follow me simply because he’s hot… and I feel like every girl should have a hot guy that follows her."
But her real celebrity crush? "I love Seth Rogan. Though a little short for me, he is absolutely hilarious, which is the way to my heart. Being funny is definitely worth five extra inches. So instead of the 5’11” he is in real life, he’s around 6’4” in my eyes."
One movie to watch over and over again? "A Christmas Story.’ My family and I watch this movie every Christmas. Between the leg lamp, “Be sure to drink your ovaltine” message, and “you’ll shoot your eye out kid,” this movie never fails to put me in a great mood."
Her one guilty pleasure is: "McDonald’s French fries."
Heidi's worst habit is twirling her hair, "I started when I was 2 and never stopped!"