Romania puts math problems on national team soccer jerseys

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Romania is trying to channel kids' love of soccer into an interest in math with an interesting new program that made its debut over the weekend.
That's when the team took the field against Spain wearing warmups that replaced their jersey numbers with math problems.
Romania changed their training kit from numbers to maths calculations to help kids improve their maths.
— Coral (@Coral) March 27, 2016
#Romania are using calculations instead of numbers on their jerseys against Spain tonight.
— Evanglista Sports Mp (@E_S_Maple) March 27, 2016
Promoting math for kids!
How cool is this. Romania's national soccer team wearing equations instead of numbers to promote math to kids!
— Mr. B. (@MrBrehmer) March 28, 2016
When the team took the field the players reverted to their standard number, just in case the referees were not up to date on their multiplication tables.
Romania did not give fans a chance to work on their addition during the Euro 2016 warmup though, as they played Spain to a 0–0 draw.
– Brendan Maloy