Rob Gronkowski, Richard Sherman on offseason fun, workouts & beef jerky

Rob Gronkowski and Richard Sherman are the latest pitchmen for Oberto beef jerky, which sat the NFL stars down together with a few bags of dried meat to talk about stuff in their new ad campaign.
Extra Mustard got a chance to chat with Gronkowski and Sherman earlier this week and got their thoughts on topics ranging from their jerky eating skills to what they miss now that the off-season is ending.
Gronkowski on who he would most like to eat beef jerky with:
Pamela Anderson, I was a huge fan of hers in Baywatch like 20 years ago ... I am not sure how much jerky she would eat, but I’d make her eat a bite or two [laughing].
Sherman on missing Marshawn Lynch at this year's team workouts:
He’s usually not there around this time anyway [laughs] ... But he’s a fun locker room guy ... He’s a fun guy to be around all the time so you miss the fun times.
Gronkowski on voluntary team workouts starting:
I love the game of football, that's what I live for and that’s my job. It’s great to have a little time off, but after time off you always want to get back at it.
Sherman and Gronkowski on who could eat more jerky:
I would go with Gronk, he’s a bigger guy. I’m a smaller guy but I’d compete. But he’s got me by probably 50 or 60 pounds so he could put more away. – Sherman
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I would go with myself. When I am hungry and I need a snack, I can pound down some jerky, man. ... We definitely put down a decent amount of beef jerky [during filming] –Gronkowski