Watch: Donald Trump says ‘Leave Tom Brady alone’

Donald Trump opened a rally in Rhode Island by defending his friend Tom Brady.
Watch: Donald Trump says ‘Leave Tom Brady alone’
Watch: Donald Trump says ‘Leave Tom Brady alone’ /

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Presidential candidate Donald Trump opened a rally in Rhode Island with a message to the NFL regarding New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady.

Brady's four-game suspension for his role in the Deflategate scandal was reinstated by an appeals court.

Trump backed Brady after the Deflategate news first broke last year. He was spotted with a “Make America Great Again” hat in his locker. 

Serena Williams was very excited to meet Tom Brady on her Snapchat​

Brady told reporters that ever since he judged the Miss USA beauty pageant in 2002, he and Trump have been friends.​

Trump credited Brady for helping him win the Massachusetts primary in March.

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