NFL: We will continue to use YouTube

The NFL will continue to use the popular video service “YouTube,” the league announced Thursday.
What is YouTube? It’s the only place on the Internet where you actually watch videos, usually of cats trying to jump a distance they have no chance of making.
Why did the NFL announce it still will use YouTube? Because apparently it wanted everyone to know it still has no plans to actually enter the 21st century, and the exciting news is that the NFL will include full-length games—all of which are old—on its YouTube channel.
The NFL YouTube channel currently airs highlights, recaps and other NFL content, basically making it like every other YouTube channel for a professional sports league.
The NFL still won’t let you watch a YouTube video outside of the actual YouTube website, though. Seriously, try watching this video:
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The NFL will continue to use YouTube. Hallelujah.
– Rohan Nadkarni