Cheerleader of the Week: Haley
Cheerleader of the Week: Haley
My friends would be surprised to know that I:
Most of my friends know, but some are still surprised to know that I was a competitive Irish dancer for 9 years.
My celebrity crush is and why:
My celeb crush has to be Zac Efron. I have been crushing on him since the High School Musical days!
If you looked at the "most played" songs on my iPod, you'd see a lot of:
Taylor Swift. TSwift has always been my main girl.
If I had to watch one movie or TV Show over and over and over again, it would be:
Bridesmaids. I know every single line to the entire movie. I even know the lyrics to the soundtrack.
The most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me during a game is:
I have a few funny stories. I have been tackled by a player diving for a ball that happened to be above my head, thrown a T-shirt into the stands where it hit and knocked over someone’s popcorn, and the best time was when I was dancing full out alone across the court because I did not realize the rest of my team had stopped and had already sat down by the basket.