Is Tony Romo fat?

Is Tony Romo fat? This deceiving photo sure makes it look that way.
Is Tony Romo fat?
Is Tony Romo fat? /

Tony Romo jogged onto the field at Cowboys training camp on Sunday, and was immediately filmed and photographed by hundreds of onlookers. One, Cowboys beat writer Jon Machota, snapped a photo of Romo looking kind of fat.

So, naturally, “Fat” Tony Romo became a major training camp storyline, and memes ensued.

The question then became, is Romo fat? It appeared so, until Machota quickly rushed to the defense of the Cowboys quarterback.

Here’s some more footage that shows Romo is not actually fat.

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Everyone knows facts don’t matter on Twitter. The takes would fly.

So, it looks like Tony Romo isn’t fat after all. Rest easy, Dallas.

– Kenny Ducey

Extra Mustard

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