The heartwarming reason Kyle Schwarber wears a bright green wristband

If you needed another reason to pull for the Cubs in the World Series, Kyle Schwarber just gave you one.
Schwarber has been the breakout star of the series so far, returning unexpectedly from a brutal knee injury to lead Chicago to victory in Game 2.
If you look closely while Schwarber’s hands are ripping through the zone you’ll see a bright green wristband. Schwarber was asked after Wednesday’s game what the wristband symbolizes and why he wears it.
“Campbell Faulkner, he’s a kid that I met down in Arizona,” Schwarber said. “He’s got a rare genetic disease, and I met him my first spring training. Really young, smart kid, and he’s just always got a big smile on his face. You know, that draws your attention to him. He’s living life to his fullest, even though he’s got something to overcome.”
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Campbell is 10 and he has a rare mitochondrial disease that makes it difficult for to walk and stand for extended periods. The disease also makes it difficult for Campbell to maintain a healthy weight.
His family created the wristbands to raise awareness about mitochondrial disease and Schwarber has been wearing one for a while. Here he is in a game in April.
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Kayaker Michael Dawson wore one while representing New Zealand at the Olympics in Rio this summer.
Luckily for Schwarber, he got to see Campbell again while he was in Arizona last week preparing for his comeback.