Watch: Sixers fans get engaged at NBA draft lottery party

A Sixers fan popped the question at an NBA draft lottery viewing party.
Watch: Sixers fans get engaged at NBA draft lottery party
Watch: Sixers fans get engaged at NBA draft lottery party /

The Sixers have an 11.9% chance of landing the No. 1 pick but there's a 100% chance of love in the air.

A Philadelphia 76ers fan proposed to his girlfriend at a NBA Draft Lottery viewing party hosted by the Rights to Ricky Sanchez podcast just moments before the ping-pong balls were drawn to determine who lands the top pick in next month's NBA Draft.

Proposals at sporting events can sometimes get dicey but luckily for this fan, she said yes without hesitation.

Watch the proposal below:

There's the power of love and there's also The Process of love.

Chris Chavez

An avid runner, Chris Chavez covers track and field, marathons and the Olympics for Sports Illustrated.