Teen accepted to Yale for writing essay about Papa John's Pizza

​By: Elisabeth Sherman Most people love pizza, but can any of us really say that we're passionate about it? For this Tennesee teen, the answer is most
Teen accepted to Yale for writing essay about Papa John's Pizza
Teen accepted to Yale for writing essay about Papa John's Pizza /

​By: Elisabeth Sherman

Most people love pizza, but can any of us really say that we're passionate about it? For this Tennesee teen, the answer is most definitely yes.

The Daily Mail reports that Yale University accepted Carolina Williams after reading her personal essay on the subject, "something that you love to do," about ordering pizza from Papa John's.

"Honestly, I thought I should go with the first thing that popped in my head. It was completely genuine," Willaims told the Tennessean.

In just 200 words, Williams evoked how pizza gives her feelings of "celebration," and "self-sufficiency."

"I will always love ordering pizza because of the way eight slices of something so ordinary are able to evoke feelings of independence, consolation, and joy,” the ingenious teen wrote.

The pizza essay struck a cord with the Yale admissions officer who read her essay, who sent her a personal note that read, "As a fellow lover of pizza, I laughed out loud (then ordered pizza) after reading your application," along with her acceptance letter.

Williams seem to have started her own fan club at Yale, because another admissions officer sent her a note.

"I laughed so hard [at] your pizza essay and kept thinking that you are the type of person I would want to be best friends with," it read.

To be fair to Williams, she graduated in the top ten students in her high school class, and was involved in many extracurricular activities, which probably didn't hurt her chances of getting into the Ivy League university.

Earlier this month, Willaims tweeted her essay in its entirety, along with the personal notes, if you want to take a read for yourself.

Despite the viral fame that her pizza essay brought her, Williams decided to turn down Yale's offer. Instead, she'll be attending Auburn University, where she plans to study business.

This is clearly a girl who knows exactly what she wants. And luckily for her, there will be no shortage of pizza in college.

This story originally appeared on Food & Wine
