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We Need an Update on LeBron James's Bubble Life: TRAINA THOUGHTS

1. We've all seen and read and heard a lot about NBA Bubble Life.

However, the King has been quiet since arriving in Orlando.

LeBron James gave us an announcement when he left California for Florida.

And three days ago, he let us know he's ready to destroy everyone.

But he's been silent about the bubble. We don't want—we NEED—to see the King's accommodations.

Rockets guard Austin Rivers tried to give everyone a "look" at LeBron's housing situation Tuesday.

Because LeBron is LeBron, NBA fans are yearning for a look into his situation.

According to TNT's Chris Haynes, LeBron is roughing it just like everyone. And that's all the more reason why we need an inside look at LeBron's Bubble Life.

2. The latest Sports Illustrated Media Podcast came out this morning, and it features an interview with TSN SportsCentre host Jay Onrait.

The very funny Onrait talked about highlight shows not being dead, how he's managed to do a highlights show for four months without sports, why his stint at FS1 from 2013 to 2017 was doomed from the beginning, what it's like to be part of an iconic partnership, dream podcasts guests, The Hangover and much more.

You can listen to the podcast below or download it on Apple, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Play.

3. This is a very good tweet.

4. I don't believe for one second that Bill Belichick ever eats Subway.

5. After you listen to the SI Media Podcast, check out Chris Long's last Green Light pod. I joined him to rank our 10 favorite fruits. Somehow, Chris didn't have strawberries in his top 10, and I'm still stunned.

6. RANDOM VIDEO OF THE DAY: Jesse "The Body" Ventura turns 69 years old Wednesday. If you grew up in the '80s watching the then WWF, you know how important he was to each and every show.

7. SPORTS VIDEO OF THE DAY: Can't wait to watch LeBron in action again.

Be sure to catch up on past editions of Traina Thoughts and check out the Sports Illustrated Media Podcast hosted by Jimmy Traina on Apple, Spotify or Stitcher. You can also follow Jimmy on Twitter and Instagram.