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Young Cardinals Fan Saved His Buddy’s Face With Heroic Catch on Foul Ball

A young St. Louis Cardinals fan saved the day during Thursday’s Astros-Cardinals matchup when he swooped in just in time to catch a ball headed towards another fan’s face.

A foul ball hit down the first base line late in the Astros’ 14–0 romp of the Cardinals was clearly headed for a group of fans. One fan was standing directly in the ball’s flight, but it went through his hands and seemed destined to hit him in the face. That is, until another young Cardinals fan reached in from behind and caught the ball no more than a few inches before it nailed the other fan.

Here’s the video of the just-in-time catch:

Now that’s why you bring your glove to the ballpark.

The Cardinals broadcast crew loved it, applauding the young fan for a great catch. Fans also were quick to acknowledge him saving the day. 

Quite the memorable souvenir.