Shannon Sharpe Announced 'First Take' News With Perfect Photoshopped Image on Social Media

Shannon Sharpe is officially joining ESPN’s First Take, with the former Undisputed star set to join Stephen A. Smith on Mondays and Tuesdays starting Sept. 4. Sharpe’s announcement of the new pairing Thursday morning set the internet ablaze.
Sharpe tweeted a photoshopped picture of him and Smith swapping in for LeBron James and Dwyane Wade in an iconic photo from the duo’s time with the Miami Heat. In the edit, Sharpe takes the place of LeBron dunking the ball home, while Smith’s head subs in for Wade, who delivered the pass. The caption was a simple one: “GET YOUR POPCORN READY.”
Check this out:
— shannon sharpe (@ShannonSharpe) August 24, 2023
In the tweet, Sharpe also noted that both he and Smith are HBCU alums, with Smith having attended Winston-Salem State University and Sharpe an alum of Savannah State.
Meanwhile, Smith made clear in the show’s official announcement he plans on coming for Sharpe from Day 1.
“To my brother Shannon Sharpe, first of all thank you for joining the show. Secondly, condolences in advance. You’re not used to getting beat down,” Smith said.
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) August 24, 2023
Fans seem pumped for the partnership, and certainly loved Sharpe’s photo edit.
We legit might need a wellness check on skip bayless every Monday morning when he turns on first take and sees Stephen a smith and Shannon sharpe trolling the cowboys together
— John (@iam_johnw) August 24, 2023
This is very good for me. This is going to be VERY good for me
— B.W. Carlin (@BaileyCarlin) August 24, 2023
That @FirstTake set about to be in shambles 😂😂😂
— Kimberley A. Martin (@ByKimberleyA) August 24, 2023
It's ON!!!! 🔥🔥🔥 @ShannonSharpe @stephenasmith the Kobe and Shaq of sports broadcasting 🐐🐐
— JudeEmenyu (@JurosSerenity) August 24, 2023
I finally have a reason to watch First Take again. This is about to be gold 😂
— …….. (@loserhands_) August 24, 2023
Stephen A & Shannon Sharpe doing numbers for ESPN
— Osid 🍉 (@osid24) August 24, 2023
Yeah man this is about to be special
— Miles (@mtvsthewrld_) August 24, 2023