Agent Explains How Tracy McGrady Went From Unranked High School Player To Hall Of Famer

Tracy McGrady was arguably one of the NBA's best players during the mid-2000s.
He ranked up there with LeBron James and Kobe Bryant as the dominant superstars. While the others were stars before they had a driver's license, McGrady was a late bloomer.
A Facebook post by "Entirely NBA" shows an interview with NBA agent Chris Luchey explaining how McGrady wasn't invited to the ABCD/adidas basketball camp in high school.
"He's unranked," Luchey said. "We don't even know who this guy is. Now, the players got their jersey numbers and it goes up to like 218. So he's like 218 or whatever his jersey number is. So you're lke flipping through the books like, `Who's this guy? Who's 218 or whatever his jersey number is?"
Luchey notes Lamar Odom was the top player in the 1997 high school class. McGrady did more than put his name on the map. He played well enough to go from unranked to the No. 1 player by the end of the camp.
"First of all, he has a fantastic game," Luchey said. "His explosiveness his aggressiveness, he's attackign the rim ... Here's this kid from Florida, coming in, not a lot of exposure."
McGrady was then chosen by the Toronto Raptors in the lottery of the `97 NBA draft. Two years later, Odom was the No. 4 pick of the Los Angeles Clippers. Although they were link by the camp, McGrady had a far more productive individual career before landing in the Hall of Fame.
Shandel Richardson is the publisher of Back In The Day NBA. He can be reached at
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