Hakeem Olajuwon Felt Disrespected When Asked By Kevin Johnson To Autograph Poster Of Infamous Dunk

A poster dunk is one of the most disrespectful moves in basketball.
But what’s worse than being on the receiving end of the highlight?
Being taunted by the dunker in your locker room.
Phoenix Suns guard Kevin Johnson had one of the most memorable playoff moments when he dunked on Houston Rockets center Hakeem Olajuwon in Game 4 of the 1994 Western Conference semifinals. The slam sent the crowd and Suns' bench into a frenzy.
Johnson refused to leave it that.
Years later while both were still playing, he asked Olajuwon to sign a picture of the dunk in the Rockets locker room.
Safe to say, Olajuwon didn’t appreciate it.
On a recent episode of Kevin Garnett’s podcast “KG Certified”, former Rockets guard Sam Cassell tells the entire story.
“Kevin Johnson tried to send a poster of him dunking on Dream [Hakeem Olajuwon] and have Dream sign it,” Cassell said. “Man, I’ll never forget Dream told Kevin Johnson ‘Don’t you ever disrespect me again’. Dream didn’t play that back then.”'
Rockets teammate Robert Horry also shared a version of the story when he joined Richard Jefferson’s Road Trippin podcast.
"Dream used to knock people out," Horry said. "... So Dream almost reverted to the days And everybody says, `Dude, you better get out of here.' Who had the nerve to do some stupid crap like that?"
Olajuwon may be a peaceful individual now but he was savage as a player.
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Cory Nelson is a contributor to Inside The Heat. He attended Northern Virginia Community College. He can be reached at corymckenzienelson@hotmail.com or follow him on Twitter @CKenzyNelson. You can also check out his personal blog HERE.