Ryan Garcia Reacts to Devin Haney's Orange County Fair Brawl

Ryan Garcia mocks Haney's carnival brawl performance
After being captured in a carnival fight that has left supporters wondering about his behavior and skills, Devin Haney is under fire
After being captured in a carnival fight that has left supporters wondering about his behavior and skills, Devin Haney is under fire /

By Mohamed Bahaa

After a video leaked showing boxing champion Devin Haney engaged in an argument at the Orange County Fair, he lately came under fire. Originally going viral, the 27-second clip shows Haney and a group of men assaulting another person close to one of the fair's attractions. The details of the conflict are still unknown, as is the name of the individual is still unclear.

Haney is seen starting the physical conflict in the clip throwing a punch, shortly followed by his friends joining in to carry on the attack. Though outnumbered, the victim keeps on his feet and tries to defend himself until police sirens in the distance cause Haney and his company to escape.

The event attracted a lot of interest, especially among competitors of Haney and boxing enthusiasts. Especially, Ryan Garcia, a suspended fighter right now, used social media to make fun of Haney's performance during the fight. Garcia said on X, "he couldn't even drop a civilian." He also attacked Haney's behavior at the fair, pointing out the discrepancy between his behavior there and his self-proclaimed status as a role model. "You really punched someone while your whole team jumps one guy," Garcia said.

Garcia's remarks weren't limited there either. In a follow-up post, he asked how the boxing commission would respond should a comparable incident involving him come under camera capture. He said sarcastically, "Thing is he punches so soft that maybe they will let it slide and call it play fighting."

Garcia, who lately defeated Haney in a Brooklyn game on April 20, has had his own share of controversy. Garcia was stripped of his title by the New York State Athletic Commission after testing positive for a performance-enhancing substance, an accusation he disputes. Garcia also received a one-year ban and was fined $1.1 million. His problems persisted after he was removed from the WBC for making disparaging comments about Muslims in internet posts and using racist slurs, actions for which he has subsequently atoned by pledging to seek treatment for substance abuse.

Boxing fans also debated the carnival incident, many of them wondering whether Haney's strike even landed. "Devin Haney was not able to drop or rock a fair worker with a sneak shot," one observer noted. Another added, "He didn't even land which may or may not be just as bad."

Haney's officials have not answered inquiries for comments on the incident as yet.

Judy Rotich