The Gophers have ended their boycott after a couple days

But they have new demands.

The Gophers have ended their boycott and will make it to the Holiday Bowl after all.

The football team had announced a boycott on Thursday, demanding that the suspensions against 10 players - related to an alleged sexual assault incident that occurred in September at a Dinkytown apartment - be lifted.

Players have been in discussions with the University of Minnesota regents, Athletics Director Mark Coyle and President Eric Kaler, but it seems that officials were not willing to budge.

The team made the announcement to end the boycott at a news conference Saturday morning, Minnesota Daily reported.

Gophers wide receiver Drew Wolitarksky also released a statement explaining the decision.

"After many hours of discussion within our team, and after speaking with President Kaler, it became clear that our original request of having the 10 suspensions overturned was not going to happen," Wolitarsky wrote.

New demands

According to Wolitarsky's statement, senior players had a meeting with Coyle and Kaler Friday night. After realizing the suspensions were firm, the players now have new requests.

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First, they demand that all 10 players get a fair hearing with a "diverse" review panel. Minnesota Daily says Kaler told reporters the hearing will likely occur in January.

What else?

"Number two, a showing of support for our team and the character shown by the great majority of our players," the statement continued.

And lastly, the team said they'll "use their status as public figures to bring more exposure to the issue of sexual harassment and violence against women," with more details to come "at a later time."

After the announcement, Kaler and Coyle responded in statements, the Star Tribune reports.

“We will judge (the suspended players) very fairly. I’m grateful the student athletes ended the boycott," Kaler’s statement said.

 “I’m thankful our football team came to a resolution and I’m happy we will be playing in Holiday Bowl vs. Washington State," Coyle added.
