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Paul Molitor: 'Life is good for me'

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Star Tribune columnist Jim Souhan interviews St. Paul's Paul Molitor in today's editions, asking the Hall of Famer how life is treating him at the age of 56.

Molitor's response: "I'm content in what I'm doing."

Molitor is a special assistant for the Twins, which includes minor league and spring training instruction.

The bottom line for the former Cretin and University of Minnesota star: "Life is good for me," as he explains that he's grateful to have a lot of flexibility in his current job.

Some had thought Molitor might be part of Ron Gardenhire's revamped 2013 major league coaching staff -- but general manager Terry Ryan didn't go that route.

Which has some wondering on Twitter (MinnPost's David Brauer): Why?

The answer might be as simple as "he doesn't want to," as suggested by blogger John Bonnes last October. As Bonnes wrote: "I'm wondering why we insert (Molitor's) name in the discussion when there isn't much evidence that is what he wants to do."

That's one theory.

Another theory?

The are some who believe Molitor will be the next manager of the Minnesota Twins, if Gardenhire quits or is replaced. Having him on the coaching staff now would only make Gardenhire's job that much more difficult.