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Week 1 NFL Power Rankings: Where are the Vikings? All over the place

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We'll do this every single week for the entire season. If you don't like it: you're out of the family. OK, fine, you can stay in the family, but if you don't like looking at NFL power rankings, that probably means the Purple are plummeting and you're too depressed to look.

Hopefully that doesn't happen, and before we even give it a chance to happen, we're jotting down our first edition of 2013 NFL Power Rankings, with a collection of opinions from around the country on where your Vikings are among the best (or worst) teams in the NFL.

We'll start with the good news:

Pro Football Weekly: Vikings ranked No. 14.

Newsday: Vikings ranked No. 14.

Associated Press: Vikings ranked No. 15.

ESPN: Vikings ranked No. 17.

CBS Sports: Vikings ranked No. 18?

SB Nation: Vikings ranked No. 21!?!?

Bleacher Report: Vikings ranked 23?!?!?!?!

Sheer insanity as you reach the bottom of this list, but notice the less reliable the source, the farther the Vikings fall. Bleacher Report and SB Nation are both blog sites, and they have the Vikings the lowest of any team that made the playoffs last year, which is fine, but 10 non-playoff teams above us on SB Nation and 12 on Bleacher Report? Unbelievable.

Pro Football Weekly, Newsday, and the Associated Press are all reputable organizations, and have the purple ranked in the top half of the league. More qualified people means more qualified opinions, at least that's what we'll go with for the sake of our sanity and optimism for the rest of 2013's Sundays.

Wherever they rank in the "experts" rankings, you and the Vikings organization can sleep a little easier at night -- knowing they're number one in our hearts.

That is, unless they're 0-2 when Cleveland comes to town.