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Sleep Number via YouTube

Sleep Number via YouTube

As someone who grew up in the 1990s, there were few players that were as synonymous with the Vikings than John Randle. The Hall of Fame defensive tackle collected 137 1/2 sacks during his 14-year career (with 11 spent in Minnesota) and ranks 10th all-time since sacks became an official statistic in 1982.

While Randle's on the field performance was one of the greatest in the game, his trash talk between the lines was also legendary, which is something that Sleep Number took advantage of in this year's Super Bowl ad.

In the ad, Randle acknowledges his past before revealing everything has changed with his new bed. With the John Randle Center for Trash Talking Awareness, the Viking legend has found a new calm and is hoping to spread it to others and even starred in a 15-second ad to drive the point home.

Of course, this is not the first time that Randle has been a star in a commercial. During his prime, Randle starred in a 1998 commercial for Nike when he showed off his embroidery skills to give one of his chickens a new wardrobe.

And there was also the time he jumpstarted a car with his biceps in a commercial for the Minnesota State Lottery.

In any event, it appears that Randle hasn't lost any of his charisma he showed on the field since hanging his cleats up after the 2003 season.