F1 News: Adrian Newey 'Seriously Considering Changing Teams' After Red Bull Exit

Adrian Newey contemplates his future in F1, considering a significant shift from Red Bull to potentially join Ferrari or other top teams.
May 4, 2024; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA; Red Bull pioneering engineer and Chief Technical officer
May 4, 2024; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA; Red Bull pioneering engineer and Chief Technical officer / John David Mercer-USA TODAY Sports

Adrian Newey, the celebrated Formula 1 designer, has announced intentions to join another team following his departure from Red Bull, where he has been a cornerstone for nearly two decades. It's reported that he is already in discussions with several top teams, although his level of interest has not been revealed.

The Formula 1 paddock was taken aback this month when Adrian Newey, a pivotal figure in Red Bull's success over the past 19 years, revealed that he would be leaving the team in early 2025. Newey, who has been integral in shaping the modern era of Formula 1 with his innovative designs and technical know-how, is now eyeing new horizons, according to Andrew Benson of BBC Sport.

During his near two-decade tenure as chief technical officer at Red Bull, the designer has been behind the engineering marvels that have clinched 13 world titles. His announcement to consider other opportunities in F1 will obviously put the remaining 9 teams on high alert - if they weren't already.

He admitted he was "seriously considering changing teams, going somewhere else and doing another four or five years or whatever."

Newey has been reported to have held conversations with a number of top teams, including Ferrari and Aston Martin. The former has been linked to the designer for many years, with it being well known that the Scuderia has attempted to nab him several times through his career. Aston Martin reportedly offered Newey a lucrative deal to move to Silverstone.

“Adrian’s got such a great history, track record, and he’s just done an amazing job throughout his career in engaging with teams and the knowledge that he has," said Lewis Hamilton when asked about the idea of Newey joining Ferrari. “I think he would be an amazing addition."

He's also been linked to Williams and McLaren over the past few weeks, albeit with no official confirmation.

"To walk away from Red Bull was a very hard decision but it was one I needed to take for a whole host of reasons. They had been my family,” Newey expressed, indicating the emotional weight behind his decision.

Aside from team interests, personal motivations and veteran advice have played pivotal roles in shaping Newey’s outlook towards his career’s next phase. Observations from his aging father and insights from motorsport legends Bernie Ecclestone and Roger Penske have urged Newey not to step away from the rigorous demands of F1, instead encouraging him to continue engaging his mind in the sport's technical challenges.

As 2025 approaches, bringing with it the introduction of new technical regulations, Newey’s early engagement could prove crucial for any team aiming to gain a competitive edge in 2026 and beyond.

Watch the full interview here:

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Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.