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F1 News: Audi Gearing Up For "Really Start Positive Start" On 2026 Entry

The director of motorsport coordination for Audi describes the optimism behind the Audi F1 motorsport department.

2022 brought the amazing news that Audi would be joining the F1 grid starting from the 2026 as new regulations come into play. They'll be aligning with Sauber - currently under the name of Alfa Romeo - and will be supplying engines to the Swiss team. 

2026 regulations will bring with it more emphasis on sustainability through hybrid powertrains and more synthetic, carbon-neutral fuels. 

Allan McNish, the director of motorsport coordination for Audi, has talked about how 2026 is the best time for Audi to join the sport, with the new regulations allowing a "good runway for preparations". 


“There’s always a point where all the stars align,” he told Autosport at Autosport International.

“That’s clearly the point now with the technical regulations, and it’s where the company is. And 2026 with the base regulation change, that allows a good runway for preparations.

“It is definitely exciting. Everybody is buzzed about it. But at the same time, there is a lot of work to be done between now and the real buzz, which is the first race.”

Audi has quickly developed its assets behind its F1 push, with a 3000-square facility for its power unit R&D. This will be the main focus of the company despite the Sauber partnership 3 years away from even starting. 

"There’s increasing personnel coming in, which is quite interesting and exciting,” McNish continued.

“Every day, there’s an email coming in with a new person and a new face, and telling you what they’re doing.

“You can tell there’s real momentum behind it, and that’s a really positive part. It’s a new project. It’s something that’s being built from the start up.

“That without doubt is a very good point for us. I think there’s a lot of smiles going on at the moment.”

We'e very excited to see Audi's four rings join Sauber, and with such a war chest behind the team, it could well propel them further up the championship ladder.