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F1 News: Ford Sends Warning Over Christian Horner Investigation - "Expect High Standards"

Ford has spoken out on the current investigation involving Red Bull team chief Christian Horner.

Ford has addressed the ongoing investigation into Red Bull team principal Christian Horner, emphasising the importance of high behavioural and integrity standards, according to Jenna Fryer of AP Sports. The motor company is closely monitoring the situation, given its recent partnership with Red Bull Powertrains.

Key Takeaways:

  • Ford, which is partnered with Red Bull for F1 powertrains from 2026, is keenly observing the investigation into Christian Horner.
  • Mark Rushbrook of Ford highlighted the company's commitment to high standards of behaviour and integrity, expecting the same from its partners.
  • Ford acknowledges Red Bull's serious approach to the investigation, underlining the potential impact on the brand's reputation.
Christian Horner Red Bull (40)

The ongoing investigation into Red Bull team principal Christian Horner, following allegations of controlling and coercive behaviour by a female colleague, has stirred the motorsport community. Horner, serving as the team principal for Red Bull, finds his conduct under scrutiny, with the outcome of the investigation eagerly anticipated.

Mark Rushbrook, representing Ford, expressed the company's stance on the matter, stating, as quoted by Jenna Fryer from AP Sports:

"As a family company that holds itself to very high standards of behavior and integrity, we expect the same from our partners." 

Rushbrook further noted the seriousness with which Red Bull is treating the investigation, acknowledging the potential repercussions on the brand's image. 

"It appears to us and what we've been told was that Red Bull is taking the situation very seriously. And of course, they are worried about their brand, as well."

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