F1 News: Lewis Hamilton Comments on Ferrari Regret After Spanish GP Success

In a recent interview, Lewis Hamilton discussed potential regrets about his move to Ferrari after a successful Spanish GP, expressing confidence in his decision while remaining committed to Mercedes for the current season.
2024 Spanish Grand Prix, Sunday
2024 Spanish Grand Prix, Sunday / Sam Bloxham

Following a standout performance at the Spanish Grand Prix, Formula 1 superstar Lewis Hamilton addressed questions about his upcoming move to Ferrari and his current season with Mercedes. Despite speculation on potential regrets due to Ferrari's fluctuating performances, Hamilton remains confident and committed to his future team while cherishing his time at Mercedes.

Hamilton, a pivotal figure in F1, has announced an unexpected shift to Ferrari for the 2025 season, departing from Mercedes, a brand he has been associated with since he was 13. This move comes after observing Ferrari's competitiveness, closely rivaling top contender Red Bull since the latter half of last season. Amid the evolving dynamics of F1, where Mercedes has faced challenges adapting to the new rules introduced in 2022, Hamilton has been a consistent performer, securing notable finishes above Ferrari's drivers in recent races in both Canada and Spain.

At the recent Spanish Grand Prix, Hamilton's skill was on full display as he impressively overtook Carlos Sainz, the Ferrari driver he is set to replace next year.

Addressing queries about any second thoughts on his decision to move given Ferrari's recent difficulties, Hamilton was forthright.

"No, not at all. Firstly, I love Mercedes. I've been with Mercedes since I was 13. I'll always be a fan and supporter of Mercedes," he affirmed. His focus remains unwavering on his responsibilities at Mercedes for the season, working diligently on car development and team success.

Despite the challenges Ferrari has encountered, Hamilton is optimistic about what lies ahead. "My job will start next year at the other team [Ferrari] who I think are doing a great job. I think they've had a couple of difficult races but let's not forget they had a great race in Monaco," he added.

On the technical front, Ferrari's introduction of an upgrade at the Spanish Grand Prix signals a progressive stride toward refinement and perhaps, a better season. Hamilton commented on the Scuderia's ongoing developments, maintaining a realistic yet hopeful outlook.

"I can't tell you what is wrong with their car and why they are in the position they're in today, but they did bring an upgrade here. I think they are definitely progressing. But it doesn't make me second-guess my decision at all."

As Hamilton gears up for his transition to Ferrari and continues to make significant strides with Mercedes, his first podium finish of 2024 at the Spanish Grand Prix is just a precursor to what promises to be an exhilarating culmination to his storied tenure with Mercedes. With Hamilton’s strategic eye and relentless drive, both he and Ferrari may well be on the path to crafting a new chapter of success in the seasons to come.

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Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.