F1 News: Red Bull Chief Has Eye on McLaren - 'We Just Had Enough in Hand'

Christian Horner, Team Principal of Oracle Red Bull Racing, speaks at the Red Bull Fan Zone, a private event at Oracle headquarters, on Wednesday October 18, 2023.
Christian Horner, Team Principal of Oracle Red Bull Racing, speaks at the Red Bull Fan Zone, a private event at Oracle headquarters, on Wednesday October 18, 2023. / Jay Janner/American-Statesman / USA

In a thrilling Spanish Grand Prix that saw Max Verstappen clinch victory, Red Bull Racing's strategic performance was once again on full display, marked by a series of decisive moves and optimal timing. Red Bull Racing Team Principal, Christian Horner, praised Verstappen's performance as "brilliant," emphasizing the critical role of their race strategy in securing the win against tough competition, particularly from McLaren.

Max Verstappen's triumph unfolded on a race track where every second and strategic decision counted. From the outset, the competition was fierce, with George Russell snatching an early lead before Verstappen, in a daring move on lap 3, reclaimed the top spot with the use of DRS, setting the stage for a tactical showdown. Horner highlighted this moment as pivotal, saying:

"The first lap was crucial and the pass on George [Russell] was even more important."

The race was not just a test of speed but of strategic acumen. Red Bull's approach focused on achieving "optimum race time," a strategy that Horner believes paid off handsomely. He noted:

"Max drove a brilliant race and strategically we got it just right." This approach was crucial in countering McLaren's anticipated advantage, known as "the overlap on the tire." Despite the pressure, Red Bull maintained a razor-thin margin that proved just enough to keep McLaren at bay. "We knew McLaren would come back with the overlap on the tyre but we had just enough in hand," Horner stated, underscoring the tight competition.

On the track, Lando Norris and Lewis Hamilton rounded out the podium, finishing second and third respectively, but it was Verstappen's day, with his early overtake of Russell setting a decisive tone for the remainder of the race.

Post-race, the focus was on Red Bull's tactical execution. Horner's reflections encapsulated the dual thrill of high-speed racing and meticulous strategy that Formula 1 embodies.

Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.