F1 Team Bosses Have Their Say On Flavio Briatore's Controversial Comeback

F1 team bosses express support for Flavio Briatore's return to Alpine F1 team, emphasizing his expertise and potential positive impact on Formula 1.
May 4, 2024; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA; Hass drive Kevin Magnussen (20) during the F1 Sprint Race at Miami International Autodrome. Mandatory Credit: Peter Casey-USA TODAY Sports
May 4, 2024; Miami Gardens, Florida, USA; Hass drive Kevin Magnussen (20) during the F1 Sprint Race at Miami International Autodrome. Mandatory Credit: Peter Casey-USA TODAY Sports / Peter Casey-USA TODAY Sports

Flavio Briatore, a name that stirs a mix of admiration and controversy in the world of Formula 1, is back. The Italian entrepreneur and former F1 team boss was recently appointed as an advisor to the Alpine F1 team, marking a significant return to the sport from which he was previously suspended due to the infamous "crashgate" scandal. Despite his controversial past, key figures within Formula 1, including team bosses from Alpine, Mercedes, Ferrari, and Sauber, have voiced their support for Briatore's reinstatement.

Bruno Famin, the current boss of Alpine, has been particularly supportive, emphasizing Briatore's deservingness of a second chance.

Mercedes team boss Toto Wolff also spoke highly of Briatore, acknowledging their long-standing relationship and Briatore's sharp acumen in business and Formula 1 strategies. Wolff stated during the Team Press Conference in Spain, as quoted by GPBlog:

"I think we need to give the chance to recover from the situation. I have known Flavio as an extremely smart businessman. He has a lot of know-how in Formula One. Every input that I got over the last 10-plus years that I have been in much more contact with him and I have a friendly relationship with him was in a way helpful. There is a lot of experience and expertise that, as Bruno said, for years of Formula One. I think everybody deserves the opportunity to come back."

Echoing similar sentiments, Alessandro Alunni Bravi of Sauber highlighted Briatore's contributions outside the racing strategies, particularly in enhancing Formula 1's commercial appeal. Bravi explained:

"I'm not in the position to judge Flavio. I can just look at the track records he had in Formula One and also the inputs on the commercial side that he has given to Formula One over the years. Bringing sponsors, bringing new venues that have been important for the development of Formula One.

"I think that if he is able to join the team, it means that the ban has expired. So I think that, as Fred said, we need to look at the future and give people a chance to make a contribution. We need clever people in Formula One and I think that Flavio, we can say that he's a clever one."

Frederic Vasseur of Ferrari maintained a diplomatic stance, choosing not to delve into Briatore’s past issues. Instead, he focused on the benefits that Briatore's experience could bring to Alpine and, by extension, the sport as a whole. He remarked:

"First, I don't want to make any comment on what's happened on the other team. I have enough to do with me. But overall, I think it's probably, as Bruno said, a step forward for Alpine. It's good for the F1 at the end if Alpine is coming back into the fight."

The general consensus among the F1 community appears to be one of forward-looking optimism. Despite Briatore's complex legacy, his expertise and contributions to the sport's business and marketing fronts are being welcomed back.

Lydia Mee


Lydia is the lead editor of F1 editorial. After following the sport for several years, she was finally able to attend the British Grand Prix in person in 2017. Since then, she's been addicted to not only the racing, but the atmosphere the fans bring to each event. She's a strong advocate for women in motorsport and a more diverse industry.