Lexi Gieck

Lexi Gieck

Growing up in a strong rodeo family it wasn’t until Lexi was older, that she realized her love for the western way of life and her passion for the sport of rodeo. Residing in the Pacific Northwest and finishing her senior year of college, majoring in Animal Science: Business, she has a strong passion for bucking stock and what makes those animal athletes so special. Lexi enjoys sharing the stories behind the athletes, stock contractors, and the many people who make up the sport of rodeo. When she is not working or doing homework you can find her spending time with her family or enjoying the outdoor activities the Northwest has to offer.


Kinlie Brennise: The Next Household Name in Breakaway Roping

Using this summer to fine tune her time on the ProRodeo road, there's no telling what the next few years will hold for this breakaway roper.

Lexi Gieck
Cory Solomon completing his tie in the tie-down roping competition.

Arena Records Matched With Electrifying Moments in Washington

The Horse Heaven Round-Up is over for the season in Kennewick, let's take a look at what unfolded.

Lexi Gieck