Famous San Angelo Roping Fiesta Matched Riley Webb Against Caleb Smidt

In a match of youth versus veteran, Riley Webb took on Caleb Smidt at the San Angelo Roping Fiesta. Who was the victor?
Caleb Smidt shown roping at the 2023 Wrangler National Finals
Caleb Smidt shown roping at the 2023 Wrangler National Finals / Hillary Maybery for Rodeo on SI

Certainly one can't say that Riley Webb isn't a veteran. He is the 2023 PRCA World Champion Tie-Down Roper, he broke the season earnings record last year, and continues to dominate in the sport. What you can call him though, is young. At 21 years old, the talented roper from Texas certainly has youth on his side.

Caleb Smidt isn't old, either. But, at 35 years old, things are different than they were at 21. The body doesn't function the same after that many years of rodeo abuse. The mind also changes. Perspective changes. Smidt proved this to the world when he announced last year that he would be retiring from full-time rodeo after four World titles and 10 trips to the National Finals Rodeo.

These two worlds, collided once again in San Angelo at the Roping Fiesta for a match. Each year, this is a match roping that everyone looks forward to. Historically, only World Champions are invited to participate in the match. With the stands packed with anxious fans, this year, it was Webb vs. Smidt. Here's how it went down.

Both ropers would rope 12 calves total.

Round one was kicked off by Smidt who tied the big soggy black white-faced calf in 10.3 seconds. Webb followed with a 10.5 on a walking fresh calf.

The second round brought a stronger and much faster calf for Smidt. He chased him down and then had to struggle with a straining animal on the end of the rope. Smidt just powered through and threw his hands up at 14.0 flat. Webb rode in the box and when he nodded it was apparent that his calf was a little better than Smidt had faced. Webb took advantage of the early draw and ran through the solid black calf in a 10.1 second run.

Smidt didn't let his slightly longer time in round two deter him. Round three saw the four-time NFR average winner smoke a run of 9.7 seconds. Watching this run, it was nearly flawless. Webb drew a solid black calf who certainly wasn't bad but just didn't handle fast. He turned in an 11.8 second run, his longest so far in the match.

A confident Smidt rode the beautiful sorrel gelding in the box for round four where he drew another black white faced baldy. One small error when he missed grabbing his string and Caleb posted a 10.6. Seeing the first red calf of the match, Riley just stayed solid in this round. You could see him pull this string tight to make sure the calf stayed tied. Webb stopped the clock at 11.8 in this round.

Round five quickly started with Smidt chasing down a nice solid black calf. Another businessman run gave Caleb a 10.0 second run on the scoreboard. Webb had some trouble flanking this one who was a bit wilder on the end of the rope. This time it was another solid black calf who got up just as Webb got to him but then took a pretty good jump at him. No matter, the Texan just tied him down and stayed in the race with a 13.7 second run.

This round changed the lead in the match with Smidt going in the lead with a 54.6 on five. Webb was still in it with a 57.9 second total on five calves.

Round six is the half-way point. Smidt saw a nice black baldy on the end of the rope and he stayed true to just being a solid roper when he turned in a 10.5 second run. Riley rode into the box just as confident as he was in round one. Pressure has never gotten to this young superstar World Champion. A color change in the calf department didn't work to his advantage, though. The yellow calf just didn't come to play the game. He fell with his feet toward Webb as he worked his way down the rope and then didn't make an effort to get up. Webb was faced with having to roll him over by his tail to get him up which led to a 15.0 showing on the scoreboard.

Now Webb was backed in a corner. He was behind by 7.8 seconds after the first half. Smidt had posted a 65.1 second total after six rounds while Webb was behind at 72.9 seconds.

At the half-way point, the Roping Fiesta goes back to the regular competition of the roping to give the match ropers a break.

Back to the action, Smidt would now rope the calves Webb roped in the first set of six while Webb would take over the ones Smidt roped.

Both ropers rode into the box on new fresh horses for the second six. Although the day seemed to be a shining light on nice, good looking sorrel tie-down horses, as that is what we saw both ropers mounted on.

It was the first calf for Smidt in the second half and disaster occurred. He missed his first loop. The ropers are allowed to carry two loops and luckily for Smidt he was prepared. Nearly all the way to the back end of the exceptionally long arena, Smidt finally stopped the clock at 20.5. Riley's calf ran plenty hard where he chased him down and turned in an 11.6 to take back over the lead again.

Round eight, Smidt being the veteran he is, made some adjustments and took his time getting ready. The crowd patiently waited for him to get everything on his horse just exactly how he wanted it with several friends and helpers surrounding him. He regained his composure and tied the solid black calf down in 11.3 seconds. This time when Webb nodded his head instead of walking out, this burley black calf went ahead an took off. Webb just ran him down and made sure his tie was tight. The 21-year-old turned in a 12.2 second run on this round.

Even with Smidt having missed a calf and two-looping, the match was back to being very close after eight calves. Webb was still leading with a 96.7 total on eight. Smidt had posted 96.9 on eight. It was truly anyone's game and certainly with these two riding in the box, either one could win.

Round nine, this time it was Smidt's turn at the yellow calf that had given Webb trouble getting up. Caleb used his knowledge of the draw and didn't jerk him down. The yellow bovine just went to his knees as he turned around and got right up allowing the Bellville, Texas man to stop the clock at a smoking 10.4 second run a good ways down the arena. This gave him a 107.3 second total now. Webb answered, as he always does. He chased him down, tied tight and scored at 10.0 flat. Watching, if it was a one header, Webb could have been much faster, but he chose to be smart and make sure the calf stayed down.

Smidt's round ten calf walked to the line and even with missing stringing the calf, turned in a 10.3 second run. With another World Champion, Shane Hanchey at his side, Webb confidently got ready to ride in and nod his head. Webb held his slack and walked off his horse to finish this round with a matching 10.3 second run. Now the pair was separated by just six tenths of a second with two calves left to rope. Webb was at 117.0 while Smidt trailed at 117.6 seconds.

On to round 11. The dark red calf took the tie well and Smidt finished with another 10.3 second run. This left Smidt sitting at 127.9 seconds. No problem for Webb. Doing exactly what he needed to do to maintain the lead, he was solid with a 10.5 second run.

It was a one header. The margin was just four tenths of a second after 11 head of calves had been run. Everyone was on the tip of the seats, holding their breath. Side bets were nervous. Smidt and Webb weren't though. For the $20,000 prize money, these two brought their best games.

Just like in all of the previous rounds, Smidt rode in the box first.

As the announcer said, "Drum roll please."

Smidt hustled down the rope, put two wraps on the solid black calf and showed the crowd why he is a four-time World Champion and 10-time NFR qualifier. Tying the fastest calf of the entire match, Smidt stopped the clock at 8.6 seconds. The crowd went wild and even gave the man his due with a standing ovation. This run was magical. It wasn't just the fastest of the match, it was the fastest run that had been made all day at the famous San Angelo Roping Fiesta competition where only the best ropers in the country meet.

Webb had to be 8.9 seconds or better to win. The calf ran hard and he had to chase him down. Taking the only risk of the day, he went ahead and put a wrap and a hooey on the calf. When it's a one header, you go for it and Webb did. The clock stopped at 9.7 seconds which was a little too long to make him the champion.

The match finished with Smidt at 136.5 and Webb at 137.2. Just seven tenths separated the two World Champion cowboys after each running 12 calves. The semi-retired man took home the win and the $20,000 check. In a great show of sportsmanship, Webb straight over to Smidt to shake his hand and congratulate him on a job certainly well done.

Good job and great show cowboys.

Laura Motley Lambert

Laura Lambert resides in Wiggins, Colo. With her husband, Ricky and two sons, Brayden and Boedy. She attended the University of Northern Colorado while studying economics. She is an accomplished rodeo athlete and barrel horse trainer. Over the years, Laura has been active in journalism in a variety of roles. While continuing to cover western sports and country music, she is currently enjoying expanding her reach into multiple sports including MLB, NFL, PGA and LPGA. You can reach her at lauralambertmedia@gmail.com