Meet Saddle Bronc Rider and National Western Champion Zac Dallas

22-year-old Zac Dallas had a year for the ages. He earned the Resistol Rookie of the Year Title, qualified for the Canadian Finals, and secured his spot in the top 15 to compete on the biggest rodeo stage at the NFR. He's still winning.
Champions of the 2025 National Western Stock Show Rodeo salute the crowd on January 26 in Denver Coliseum.
Champions of the 2025 National Western Stock Show Rodeo salute the crowd on January 26 in Denver Coliseum. / NWSS photo by Ric Andersen

Rodeo On SI had a chance to spend a little bit of time getting to know saddle bronc riding talent Zac Dallas. He made his first trip to the National Finals Rodeo in 2024 and he is still on a roll winning into 2025. The National Western Stock Show was his first championship of the new year and should set up his winter run with a lot of confidence.

Dallas reflected on his 2024 season and answered some random questions to give some insight into his world.

" It's been an awesome season. I've been blessed for everything to work out the way I pictured it. The last three/four years I fully committed to rodeo and riding bucking horses. I tried my butt off everywhere I went in 2024 and I was also blessed to earn the rookie title."

Zac Dallas

  • 2024 Season Earnings: $129,157
  • 2025 Season Earnings: $10,433
  • Hometown: Las Cruces, New Mexico
  • 2024 Season Ranking: 14
  • NFR Qualifications: 1 (2024)

1. Who are your traveling partners?

I traveld with Ross Griffin, Leon Fountain and Bryan Huey.

2. Do you have a horse you want to get on but you've never had the opportunity?

All or Nothin would be awesome. There's a lot, South Point or Miss.Valley are some others I'd like to get on.

3. Where is your favorite rodeo?

Miles City Bucking Horse Sale or Ponoka.

4. What was your highest mark ride in 2024?

91.5 on THE Black Tie in Sheridan.

5. Do you have an superstitions?

Sometimes they say you shouldn't eat chicken before you ride and if I think about it, I'll try not to eat it.

6. Did you do anything special to prepare for the NFR?

I'm just doing the same thing that I've done all year. When I'm home I'll workout everyday, get on the spur board, get on some practice horses and ride saddle horses. I'll spend sometime watching NFR tapes to try and help visualize as well. Trying to stay healthy and live a good lifestyle is important too.

7. Do you have a favorite Restaurant ?

Andels in Las Cruces.

8. Favorite Movie?

Lonesome Dove.

9. What food won't you eat?


10. How do you keep yourself healthy during the 10 rounds of the NFR?

I'm try and keep somewhat of a sleep schedule and eat good when I can. Take some vitamins, drink a lot of water and rest when I can.

11. Who is a mentor or someone you look up to?

I have quite a few, the big guys I like up to in bronc riding are Billy Etbauer, Cody Wright and Mel Highland. There's quite a few both those are some of them.

12. Are you single, married or have any children?

I'm dating a gal and she's going to the finals with me.

13. Favorite sport other than rodeo?


14. Do you get on practice horses? If so how often?

I'll get on them probably twice a week.

Lexi Gieck

Growing up in a strong rodeo family it wasn’t until Lexi was older, that she realized her love for the western way of life and her passion for the sport of rodeo. Residing in the Pacific Northwest and finishing her senior year of college, majoring in Animal Science: Business, she has a strong passion for bucking stock and what makes those animal athletes so special. Lexi enjoys sharing the stories behind the athletes, stock contractors, and the many people who make up the sport of rodeo. When she is not working or doing homework you can find her spending time with her family or enjoying the outdoor activities the Northwest has to offer.