Only Time Will Tell: Bubble Watch Update for PRCA Timed Events

As September 30 quickly approaches, tight races in the steer wrestling, team roping, and tie down roping will determine the top 15 cowboys to compete in each event at the National Finals Rodeo
Hunter Herrin
Hunter Herrin / Click Thompson/For PRCA

Steer Wrestling

The field is set for The Governor's Cup in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the $1.3 million rodeo held in the last days of the professional rodeo season. That group will be Dalton Massey, Dakota Eldridge, Justin Shaffer, Cash Robb, Tucker Allen, Tristan Martin, Don Payne, Jesse Brown, JD Struxness, Rowdy Parrott, Stetson Jorgenson, and Will Lummus.

Massey, Eldridge, Lummus, Struxness, Jorgenson, Payne, and Brown are also the top seven cowboys in the World Standings.

Things tighten up from 8th down, with Erickson at $99,000 and Parrott at $96,000. Allen is roughly $1,600 ahead of Tyler Pearson, who sits 11th. Allen qualified for the Cup, while Pearson did not.

Tanner Brunner is 12th with $87,877 and Scott Guenthner is right behind him with $87,490. Neither cowboy qualified for Sioux Falls.

For Shaffer in 14th at $85,798 and Robb in 15th with $85,786, the opportunity to win substantial money in The Governor's Cup is a huge opportunity to hold onto their spots within the top fifteen.

Tristan Martin is holding onto 16th with $82,000 won and will have a shot to make up ground in the Cup. The cowboys in positions 17-20 are all within $10,000 of 15th and could also stand to upset the race.

Team Roping

The Governor's Cup team ropers in the heading wil be Andrew Ward, Jake Smith, Clint Summers, Kaleb Driggers, Nelson Wyatt, Brenten Hall, Tyler Wade, Dustin Egusquiza, Wyatt Bray, Luke Brown, Cyle Denison, and Coleman Proctor.

Egusquiza, Driggers, Ward, Proctor, Summers, and Hall are in the top seven in the World Standings. Jake Smith is 8th and $18,000 ahead of 15th, but he did not qualify for the Cup. Cody Snow (10th), Erich Rogers (12th), Derrick Begay (13th), Clay Smith (14th), and Riley Minor (15th) find themselves in the same situation, looking to gather checks outside of the Cup.

Just outside the top fifteen, Jr Dees is 16th and only $400 short of 15th. Tanner Tomlinson is right behind him, needing roughly $1,500 to crack the top fifteen.

For Nelson Wyatt (18th) and Wyatt Bray (19th), the opportunity to compete in the Cup gives them a huge chance to make up the $5,000 they need to move up in the World Standings. Denison is roughly $13,000 short of 15th, but has the chance to change that in Sioux Falls.

In the heeling, Kollin VonAhn, Douglas Rich, Jake Long, Junior Noguiera, Jonathan Torres, Kaden Profili, Wesley Thorp, Levi Lord, Paden Bray, Travis Graves, Tanner Braden, and Logan Medlin are set to compete.

Lord, Thorp, Rich, Long, Nogueira, Profili, and Medlin sit wihin the top seven in the World Standings. Buddy Hawkins is 8th and roughly $10,000 ahead of 15th. He is not set to compete in the Cup. Hunter Koch in 9th is in a similar position. Jonathan Torres is only $300 behind Koch and Coleby Payne is $1,000 behind him in 11th. Paul Eaves is 12th with $105,000 and Colter Todd is a little over $1,000 behind him. Travis Graves and Tanner Braden currently wrap up the top 15 and are separated by less than $1,000.

JC Flake, Brady Minor, Patrick Smith, and Wyatt Cox are all within $10,000 of 15th, but not set to compete in the cup. 18th in the World, Kollin VonAhn, did qualify for the Cup and is less than $7,000 from cracking into the top 15.

Tie Down Roping

In Sioux Falls, the rope off will be Kincade Henry, Ty Harris, Marty Yates, Haven Meged, Dylan Hancock, Cole Clemons, Hunter Herrin, John Douch, Shad Mayfield, Shane Hanchey, Riley Webb, and Zack Jongbloed.

Mayfield, Harris, Meged, Webb, Douch, Yates, Hanchey, and Henry are also the top eight in the World. Jongbloed is in 10th with $116,000 and Hancock in 11th with $109,000. Cole Clemons is currently 13th with $104,000. These cowboys will have the chance to lock in their positions with checks in the Cup.

For Hunter Herrin, currently 16th and a little over $2,000 behind 15th (Marcos Costa), the opportunity to compete in Sioux Falls is a huge chance to lock in the 15th spot.

Bryce Derrer, Brushton Minton, and Macon Murphy are 17th-19th, but could easily make up the $5,000 difference to reach the 15th position.

Teal Stoll


Teal Stoll is a lifelong Wyomingite from a working ranch family of several generations. Both sides of her family have deep roots in rodeo, as contestants and stock contractors. Teal grew up horseback and actively competes in rodeos and barrel races. She has degrees in both business and accounting, which she uses operating her own bookkeeping service. Teal enjoys spending time with her horses, training colts, and maintaining her string of athletes. When she isn’t at the barn, she can be found reading, doing yoga, or on her paddle board at the lake. Teal lives with her fiancee and a plethora of animals, because she can’t say no to a displaced critter with a sad story. When she isn’t on the road running barrels, she spends her time helping with day to day operations on the family ranch.