Schuster, Show Mance, and Six Figures: A Journey to the National Finals Rodeo

As much as we like to plan and prepare, sometimes the best thing to do is simply hang on and enjoy the ride
Tiany and Show Mance running a 16.95 at Gooding, ID Pro Rodeo 2024
Tiany and Show Mance running a 16.95 at Gooding, ID Pro Rodeo 2024 / WT Bruce

"Nearly all the best things that came to me in life have been unexpected, unplanned by me" - Carl Sandburg

Tiany Schuster's 2024 rodeo season was neither expected nor planned, but as of August 26, she is sitting seventh in the world with $115,000. Show Mance, the fourteen year old gelding who was a key player in Schuster's trips to the NFR in 2017 and 2020, has made an incredible comeback this year.

A bad step during a run at the NBHA Open World Finals in Perry, Georgia nearly ended the gelding's career. "He came out packing it, he literally could not walk," Schuster explained.

Dr. Cliff Honnas operated on Show Mance, removing bone chips and addressing cartilage damage. "Honnas said he was never going to run again. I said 'He can stand around and eat grass, he doesn't have to run,'" Schuster told us.

Schuster explained that her situation allowed her to give her heart horse as much time as he needed. Recognizing not everyone has that luxury, Schuster was grateful that she was able to give Show Mance the extensive break.

She remarked, "I think it was just the grace of God and patience, because we were in no rush."

Starting the year with several young horses and no end goal, Schuster described her journey, "My rodeo count is high, but it's been laid back. I went a lot earlier this year, because I love to rodeo. I wasn't trying to make the NFR and I went to what rodeos were available."

She took advantage of smaller rodeos closer to home to get experience for her young horses and took a break from the aged events.

"While everyone else was at Lazy E (for various futurity events), I was at home hanging out," she joked.

As the year unfolded, Schuster kept rolling with the momentum she gained. "Edwin and I were talking and I said 'What if we do well at San Angelo?' and he's like 'First you have to do well there, then we'll figure out what to do.' And then we did well at San Angelo. I said 'Let's just plan to go to Calgary for the qualifier.' Then we win the qualifier," she said.

Taking it one step a time, Schuster is now set up for her third trip to the NFR.

Several horses have played a role in her 2024 season, but two are solid standbys Schuster has won on extensively - Show Mance, of course, and Famous Mic Guy Ver. Both geldings have been on her team for roughly eight years, now supported by younger horses Schuster began rodeoing on more this year.

One of those young horses, five year old Shines By Design, took the win in Salinas, California. Winning the first, second, and final rounds, Schuster and the young gelding took the average win by a full second.

A pair of Carrizzo sons, Admire My Fame and JJ Carrizzo Fire Bug, have also contributed to Schuster's success this year.

"I don't know if Admire My Fame has won a rodeo, but he's placed at several. JJ Carizzo Firebug ran a lot earlier in the season," she reported. Triple Fame Ta Go by Triple Vodka has also been on her trailer this year.

Schuster has not only successfully jockeyed countless great horses, she can also train great horses. With a lifetime of experience, one of Schuster's best pieces of advice is, "Don't let the horse you have today keep you from being the rider you can be tomorrow."

Clearly her approach of focusing on what works and not forcing what does not has been effective and prosperous for Schuster yet again in the 2024 season.

We look forward to watching her in Las Vegas in a few short months.

Teal Stoll


Teal Stoll is a lifelong Wyomingite from a working ranch family of several generations. Both sides of her family have deep roots in rodeo, as contestants and stock contractors. Teal grew up horseback and actively competes in rodeos and barrel races. She has degrees in both business and accounting, which she uses operating her own bookkeeping service. Teal enjoys spending time with her horses, training colts, and maintaining her string of athletes. When she isn’t at the barn, she can be found reading, doing yoga, or on her paddle board at the lake. Teal lives with her fiancee and a plethora of animals, because she can’t say no to a displaced critter with a sad story. When she isn’t on the road running barrels, she spends her time helping with day to day operations on the family ranch.