Jacob Lees and Tanner Aus Share Round 6 Win at Fan-less NFR

The Wrangler National Finals presented by Teton Ridge, kicked off Round 6 in a very unique way. Round 6 took place at 10 A.M. PST and in doing so, they had a semi-fan-less arena with only media and family members present.
Jacob Lees earned his first-ever NFR go-round win, but unfortunately for him, he had to share the win. Tanner Aus jumped to the top spot with his re-ride option.
Lees shared the round win with his 87-point ride on Sankey Pro Rodeo and Phenom Genetics' "Bronc Riding Nation". Aus earned his way into the winner's circle on his 87-point ride on Flying U Rodeo's "Little Red Hawk."
Mason Clements, Jayco Roper, and Clayton Biglow also tied for third place. Each with an 86-point bronc ride. Clements rode for 86 points on Stace Smith Pro Rodeo's "Risky Business". Roper rode J Bar J's "Straight Stick" for 86 points. Biglow rode for an 86-point ride on Sankey Pro Rodeo and Phenom Genetics' "Shouting Shoes."
NFR Round 6 Bareback Results
- Jacob Lees, 87, $27,487
- Tanner Aus, 87, $27,487
- Mason Clements, 86, $13,042
- Jayco Roper, 86, $13,042
- Clayton Biglow, 86, $13,042
- Leighton Berry, 85.5, $4,953
World Bareback Standings: Post Round 6
- Keenan Hayes, $322,120
- Clayton Biglow, $239,185
- Rocker Steiner, $214,536
- Leighton Berry, $211,703
- Mason Clements, $211,280
There was no movement among the top 5 of the bareback riding world standings, only Biglow slowly adding to catching Keenan Hayes. Unless Hayes has a terrible rest of the Finals, you can bet on him being your future world champion.
Continue to follow the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo on the Cowboy Channel+.