How a Cowboy Saved Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the stable,
All the creatures were stirring, trying to locate a cradle.
The hay bags were hung from the rafters with care,
In hopes that the precious baby would soon be there;
The foals were snuggled, all warm in their straw,
While dreaming of being coveted first out on the draw;
And the mare in her blanket, and the stud standing near,
All the horses knew, Christmas would soon be here.
When out in the pasture there was such a clatter,
The cows sprung about to see what was the matter!
The cowboy came running in such a fast dash,
Threw on his chaps, boots, and hat with a smash.
As he rounded the bend with border collie in tow,
Little did he know, he was about to see a show;
Standing before him were eight antlered beasts,
Pawing the ground expecting their treats;
The harness was beautiful, shiny, and bright,
Hooked to a sleigh – it was quite a sight;
Ole Santa stood near, starched jeans made by CINCH,
Knowing this sudden abscess would put him in a pinch;
It seemed as though Rudolph was crippled in an instant,
His hoof was going to need an experienced assistant;
“Greetings ole son!” exclaimed Santa loudly with cheer,
“No doubt you weren’t expecting me to be here.
I checked my list over and over with care,
You were the one to trust, with Rudolph’s despair.”
Off to the barn, jingle bells ringing in tow,
The cowboy knew just the task to undergo.
Hoof knife in hand, and a gentle pet on the head,
“Easy there Rudolph,” the dusty old cowboy said.
A minute of work, a packed hoof, and a heart full of love,
The cowboy knew Rudolph would soon be soaring above.
With a twinkle in his eye, and a good hefty giggle,
Santa moved about, and his belly began to jiggle.
“Thanks could never be enough, for your kindness tonight,
The children of the world will get their presents despite!”
The cowboy just winked and stood there with pride,
As he watched Santa and Rudolph by his side.
Christmas was saved, and all was alright,
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.