Shingo Takagi Honored to Wrestle in Owen Hart Cup: ‘I Used to Wrestle in a Singlet Like Owen’s’

Takagi on his Forbidden Door match against Bryan Danielson: “This is something that will send shockwaves through the wrestling world.”

Shingo Takagi is honored to represent Owen Hart.

A former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Takagi established himself across the globe, most notably in Dragon Gate, before entering New Japan Pro-Wrestling in October of 2018. Throughout his 20-year career, he has quietly paid tribute to one of his greatest influences: the late Owen Hart.

Hart is best known for his work in WWE, but some of the more significant moments early in his career took place in New Japan Pro-Wrestling. In 1988, Hart won the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship, as well as started a memorable rivalry with the great Jushin Thunder Liger.

“Back in the day, I actually used to wrestle in a singlet like Owen’s,” said Takagi, speaking through a translator. “That tells you how highly I think of him. He wrestled quite a lot in NJPW, and anyone who has the respect of a legend like Jushin Liger has respect from me.”

Takagi is starting his summer, fittingly, wrestling in the Owen Hart Cup. The winner of the tournament receives a shot at the AEW world title at All In, a massive card set for August at the famed Wembley Stadium.

Shingo Takagi (right) is excited to bring his talents to AEW for the Owen Hart Cup
Shingo Takagi (right) is excited to bring his talents to AEW for the Owen Hart Cup / NJPW

Last August, Takagi wrestled Will Ospreay in an exceptional match in London that headlined the British promotion RevPro’s anniversary show at the Copper Box Arena. In the shadow of All In, which was only a day later, the brilliant bout stood out as one of the most compelling matches of the year.

After wrestling Ospreay, Takagi took notice of All In the following day.

“I was in London while All In was happening,” said Takagi. “When Will Ospreay wrestled Chris Jericho in front of 80,000 people, that got to me–the idea that it could have been me in that spot. That’s what drove me to enter this Owen Hart Cup.”

Shingo Takagi is seeking a new piece of gold–the AEW world title
Shingo Takagi is seeking a new piece of gold–the AEW world title / NJPW

AEW star Jon Moxley won the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship in April, disrupting the status quo in New Japan. Takagi would like to do the same, first by winning the Owen Hart Cup–and then becoming AEW champion.

“Jon Moxley took our IWGP title and defended it in AEW,” said Takagi. “So it would only be right for me to take the AEW belt and defend it in NJPW.”

Takagi wrestled last night on Dynamite, teaming with Titan and Hiromu Takahashi in a trios bout against Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta. That helped build to his Owen Cup tournament match this Sunday at Forbidden Door–a must-see encounter against Bryan Danielson.

“If the fans are happy, then I’m happy,” said Takagi. “I think this is the result and a recognition of all that Bryan has accomplished in his career, and all I’ve done in my career. I like that this will be on display worldwide. The whole world will see true ‘Made in Japan’ spirit.”

In 2010, Danielson and Takagi shared the ring for a singles match. The old ECW Arena in Philadelphia served as the host, and in spite of the pain from the hard-hitting encounter, it is one both men remember fondly.

Fourteen years later, on pay-per-view, Takagi and Danielson have a chance to renew their rivalry.

“It’s a real dream match, a real dream situation for the fans worldwide,” said Takagi. “This is something that will send shockwaves through the wrestling world.”

Justin Barrasso


Justin Barrasso has been writing for Sports Illustrated since 2014. While his primary focus is pro wrestling and MMA, he has also covered MLB, NBA, and the NFL. He can be reached at and followed on Twitter @JustinBarrasso.