Kevin Owens Has Harsh Words On His Backstage Relationship With CM Punk

Kevin Owens recently spoke with Daily Mail to promote Bash in Berlin and had some interesting words about his relationship with CM Punk.
Punk and Owens were both indie darlings before arriving in WWE, having each held the Ring of Honor World Championship at one point, respectively.
When Owens, then going by Kevin Steen, first arrived in ROH he had a backstage incident with Punk. At that time, Punk was a locker room leader and would soon move on to the bigger WWE stage.
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As Owens tells it, Punk made a slight regarding Owens' weight and use of a t-shirt when performing in the ring. Later, after a match, Owens came back to the locker room exhausted and told Punk "Are you happy now?"
Owens said he was trying to be playful but Punk took offense, lambasting the young Canadian in front of the ROH roster.
Owens apologized and later described their relationship as being just fine.
Fast-forward to this week's promo push for Bash in Berlin, and that interview with Daily Mail.
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When asked about his current relationship with Punk, Owens said "We have no reason to talk. We're not friends. We're not, we don't, you know, we're just not, I don't know. We have no reason to talk. If we work together, we will talk, but just not a thing we do."
As always with wrestling, take that statement with a grain of salt. Just because they're not friends doesn't mean they're enemies. Also, this could just be Owens planting the seeds of a future program with Punk as both are nearing the end of their current program. Time will tell.
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