WWE Bash in Berlin 2024 Results (8/31/24): Winners & Match-By-Match Recap [UPDATED]

Watch here for live results during WWE's first PLE from Germany.

WWE's first premium live event (PLE) from Germany, Bash in Berlin, is kicking off at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT on Peacock in the U.S. and on WWE Network everywhere else. Bookmark this page to keep up with results as they happen!

MORE: WWE Bash in Berlin Predictions: The Takedown on SI's Picks

We're getting five solid matches, including three championships on the line and two heated grudge matches. A slim, trim event means more room for banger matches and everyone on this card has the potential to steal the show.

Cody Rhodes and Kevin Owens are headlining the event in a friend vs friend match with the WWE Championship up for grabs. Owens is a notoriously sketchy companion, having turned on Sami Zayn and Chris Jericho, among others.

We saw bits of heel Owens slithering to the surface the past two weeks on Smackdown--just how much will we see tonight?

The World Heavyweight Championship hangs in the balance when reigning champ Gunther defends against "The Viper" Randy Orton. On Raw this past Monday, Orton took umbrage with Gunther's claim of being the best wrestler in the world. Gunther hasn't paid a fraction of the dues Orton has in his 20-plus-year career. Can Orton finally humble The Ring General?

MORE: Drew McIntyre Fires Shot At CM Punk Ahead Of WWE Bash In Berlin

CM Punk and Drew McIntyre have been warring since January's Royal Rumble. Tonight, they'll look to settle their beef in a strap match that's promising to be their most violent affair. Will Punk get back his bracelet, or will McIntrye continue to drive Punk insane?

A pair of tag matches round out the card when The Terror Twins and Judgement Day do battle in a mixed tag match, and WWE Women's Tag Team Champions, The Unholy Union, take on ex-champs Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill.

Orton, Gunther, McIntyre, Punk, The Terror Twins, Liv Morgan and "Dirty" Dom are all shown doing the requisite walk to the building.

Owens is taping up his fists in gorilla. Rhodes walks out of his locker room with a title on his waist and a gorgeous white ring jacket on his back. Wait, they're starting the show with this? Oh, this is going to rock the building!

WWE Championship Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs Kevin Owens

Michael Cole and Wade Barrett are on commentary. They introduce the German announce team which is a nice throwback to the days of the Spanish announce team.

Owens is out first to a huge pop from the crowd. He looks pumped! It's his first World Title match in two years, Cole says.

Rhodes walks out and interacts with the fans on his way to the ring. WWE is using a decibel meter graphic on the broadcast to measure a pop's loudness. The crowd's "Whoa" during Rhodes' song hits 101 decibels.

After the introductions, the crowd starts singing "Cody Rhodes". This crowd is going crazy before they even touch! Wild.

Handshake starts the bout.

They trade basic holds. Cody goes for the Cody Cutter early but Owens blocks it!

Rhodes misses a disaster kick and Owens hits a senton. Owens blocks a Cross Rhodes and Cody blocks a stunner! Great pace thus far.

Owens gets sent to the outside but blocks a suicide dive then follows up with a cannonball off the apron! On the way back in, Rhodes connects with the disaster kick and follow ups with a successful suicide dive! This is great so far.

Rhodes attacks Owens' left leg. He controls the action and locks in a figure-four. Owens fights back and sends Rhodes to the outside. He hits a frog splash off the apron!

Owens is controlling the action now. The crowd chants "This is awesome!".

Rhodes and Owens knock heads then nail each other with a clothesline. Both men are down.

Back up and a disaster kick on Owens! Only a two-count.

Cody Cutter connects and Owens kicks out at two and a half!

Both men trading blows in the center of the ring. Owens pulls out a pump-handle neck breaker but Rhodes kicks out at the last second!

Owens his a rolling senton off the second rope and another nearfall. That was awesome.

"This is awesome!" chants from the crowd.

Owens goes for the stunner, but Rhodes counters into the Cross Rhodes! Owens kicks out!

Rhodes perches Owens on the top turnbuckle. Owens reverses into his modified fisherman buster for another near fall. They guys are cooking!

They're trading headbutts and now fists. Rhodes goes for a top-rope cutter but tweaks his knee and collapses to the canvas!

Owens considers attacking the injured knee but can't bring himself to do it. He instead tells the ref to check on him.

The ref is checking on Rhodes on the outside. Rhodes tells Owens to bring it and Owens kicks his knee! He sets Rhodes up for the apron powerbomb but decides against it.

Back in the ring, Rhodes grabs a slick inside cradle for the near fall. Owens gets right back up and hits the stunner! Rhodes kicks out!

Back on their feet, Rhodes hits one Cross Rhodes, a second, going for a third and Owens reverses into another stunner! Rhodes kicks out!

The crowd is chanting "Holy s**t!".

Owens goes up top for a swanton and Rhodes counters with knees to Owens' back! Rhodes follows up with one more Cross Rhodes and gets the three count!

Winner: Cody Rhodes

Owens reluctantly hugs Rhodes after the bout. Disappointment washes over his face, but they still take turns raising each other's hands.

The rest of the card is going to have a tough time topping this match. Match of the year contender for sure.

WWE Women's Tag Team Championship: The Unholy Union vs Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Cargill is out first, followed by Belair. They get their own respective entrances which is pretty strange.

Cargill and Belair take advantage early with a backbreaker then a gut buster.

Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre illegally double-team Belair in the corner and take Belair outside for a beatdown. Fyre hits a suicide dive on Cargill! Nicely done.

Back in the ring, Dawn stretches Belair with Tajiri's tarantula maneuver against the ropes while Fyre smacks her with a superkick.

Fyre and Dawn are wearing down Belair, grinding her down with holds and double teams in their halkf of the ring. Cargill has yet to be tagged in.

Cargill almost gets the hot tag but the Unholy Union uses Bianca's hair to pull her back. Fyre hits a sweet kick and tornado DDT combo that takes out both Cargill and Belair. Two count!

Bianca fights off the champs and gives the hot tag to Cargill! Cargill cleans house and tags back into Belair. Their double-team finisher gets countered by Unholy Union into a sick Gory Buster/Flatliner combo. Belair kicks out at two!

The finish comes when Belair and Cargill counter a top rope double-team by the champs to nail a DDT and German suplex combo for the three count! We have new champs!

Winners: Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Strap Match: CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre

Both WWE stars start off beating the hell out of each other before the bell rings and the strap is attached.

WWE added a nifty device to this match in the form of a red and green light attached to each turnbuckle. When a turnbuckle is slapped, one of the lights will activate--green for Punk, and red for McIntyre. The match stops and a winner is announced once all four of either color light is activated.

After the strap is, well, strapped to Punk and McIntyre, McIntyre takes control and punishes Punk.

This is easily Punk's best showing since rejoining WWE last year. They go back and forth throughout the contest. During a spot where Drew is repeatedly headbutting Punk, it looks like Punk is opened up the hard way.

In another spot, Drew sends Punk over the top rope and through a table on the outside.

Both men engage in some classic strap match spots like McIntyre carrying Punk around the ring, slapping the turnbuckles, not realizing that Punk is also slapping them behind his back.

The finish comes when McIntyre takes out the bracelet. This fires Punk up.

Punk hits one GTS, then another. He smacks two turnbuckles, then hits another GTS on McIntyre! Only one turnbuckle left to hit! Instead, Punk hits another GTS on McIntyre! He rips the bracelet off The Scottish Psychopath and nails one more GTS! Amazing.

Punk smacks the final turnbuckle and nails the lid shut on the bout! Excellent match. Drew sold like a champ and Punk looked sharp. Great way to end the feud if that was it.

Winner: CM Punk

Mixed Tag Team Match: Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest vs "Dirty" Dominik Mysterio and Liv Morgan

Mysterio and Priest start off the contest. Mysterio is bumping around all over the ring as Priest is destroying him with big boots, clotheslines, and chops.

They tease Rhea tagging in to take over and punish "Dirty" Dom for his misdeeds, but he runs away as she comes in to tag Morgan.

They do a cool spot where Liv steps up to Priest to talk smack. He puts a hand in her face, then slinks away quickly only for Ripley to come flying in with a stiff dropkick.

Man, this crowd loves Rhea. They're hot for this match! If Dom is one of the most over heels in the company, Rhea is certainly one of the most over faces. Both deserve those titles.

Dominik, with Morgan's help, is finally able to gain an upper hand on Priest. Priest hits a broken arrow and gives the hot tag to Mami!

Rhea runs in and tears through Morgan with a series of quick moves. She hits a low dropkick, a German suplex (do they just call it a "suplex" in Germany?), and a nasty running knee that rocks Morgan.

The crowd is chanting "Mami!"

Dominik runs in to save his girlfriend but comes face-to-face with Rhea! He begs off, even extending his arms with an apologetic embrace!

Rhea denies Dom and attacks him! The crowd has just lost their collective minds!

She hits multiple clotheslines, then locks in a triangle choke in the corner, her eyes wide with delight and terror! This may be the best visual of the night. The decibel meter pops up and clocks 110, the highest reading of the show so far (for whatever that's worth). The audience is going ballistic!

Ripley sets Dom up for the Riptide, but Morgan makes the save. Liv hits a running knee in the corner. Liv nails Rhea with a magistral cradle/abdominal stretch driver thing that's one of the coolest original moves seen in quite some time. Amazing move.

Priest and Ripley regain control and hit stereo Razor Edges in the center of the ring.

JD McDonagh and Carlito hit the ring but get disposed of quickly. Finn Balor runs in and nails Priest from behind. Mysterio goes up top, lands the frog splash, and goes for the cover. One, two, kickout!

Rhea and Liv come back in. Liv slips in a springboard attempt and both women are down. On the outside, Priest beats up Carlito, McDonagh, and Balor, but Mysterio comes flying out of the ring with a suicide dive.

Dom set Damian up on the announcer table. Mysterio runs from the German announce table toward Priest only to get turned inside out with a clothesline. Dominik takes a crazy bump and further proves why he is such a star.

Rhea appears behind Liv in the ring, destroys her with the Riptide, and captures the pin for The Terror Twins.

Winners: The Terror Twins, Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest

This was a great match and way better than it should have been. All four worked their butts off.

Dominik Mysterio is so incredibly talented. Damian Priest looked great as always. Liv Morgan is a workhorse and her moveset keeps getting better and more creative. And Rhea, good lord. Rhea may be the most over female competitor in WWE history. She's electric.

World Championship Title Match: Gunther vs Randy Orton

Randy is sporting new red and white trunks. The German crowd is having a party, singing, and generally losing their minds for their hometown hero, Gunther. Big fight feel here.

The titans trade headlock takeovers and headscissors to start the bout. This may be the most raucous crowd since Backlash in Puerto Rico. Now the crowd is doing the wave. This is great.

Randy joins in on the wave and the entire crowd gets on their feet, going nuts for perhaps the biggest pop of the night in a night of big pops.

Orton works over Gunther's right arm during the bout, impeding Gunther's ability to chop and apply the powerbomb. Gunther clotheslines Randy with his left.

Gunther finally levels Orton with a devastating powerbomb but only gets a two-count. It's been a while since anyone has handled Orton like that.

Orton hits the RKO out of nowhere but Gunther kicks out!

The end of the match comes when Gunther counters another RKO and locks in a rear-naked choke! Randy is doing everything to counter the choke. Gunther is hanging on like a pitbull. Randy breaks the hold, but Gunther chops him to the back of the neck. Man, this is physical!

Orton hoists Gunther on his back and drops him, but the champion pops back up and attacks him like a rabid beast! Choke again! Randy passes out! It's over.

Winner: Gunther

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Dariel Figueroa


Dariel Figueroa joined On SI and The Takedown in 2024. He previously served as senior features writer at Uproxx, and has written for Heavy, Fansided, and Paste. Figueroa graduated with a double bachelor’s from Rowan University in journalism and multimedia production, respectively. You can follow him on X (fmr. Twitter) @figgyflow.