Fantasy baseball news: Marte's slump impacting his fantasy value

All this makes Marte an interesting fantasy commodity, though maybe not for this year. In the future, the lineup trio of Marte, Polanco and McCutchen could be
Fantasy baseball news: Marte's slump impacting his fantasy value
Fantasy baseball news: Marte's slump impacting his fantasy value /

Starling Marte has been somewhat overshadowed by the other members of the Pittsburgh outfield.
Starling Marte has been somewhat overshadowed by the other members of the Pittsburgh outfield :: Gene J. Puskar/AP

All this makes Marte an interesting fantasy commodity, though maybe not for this year. In the future, the lineup trio of Marte, Polanco and McCutchen could be a fixture for the Pirates, and hitting in front of Polanco and McCutchen could have him as one of the more valuable leadoff men in baseball. For now though, he's far too inconsistent a hitter, with an unacceptable OBP and strikeout rate for a leadoff man. Owners are only going to get occasionally good stats from him -- which, needless to say, isn't what you want from a fantasy outfielder.

Colin E. Braley/AP

• Carlos Gonzalez had a small benign tumor removed from his hand yesterday, and the Rockies outfielder is expected to be able to swing a bat in a few weeks. This was incredibly positive news for his fantasy owners, given there was the real possibility that something was structurally wrong with his wrist, and any additional surgery could've kept him out of the lineup for a significant amount of time. CarGo has a chance to be fully restored when he returns to the lineup in July, although, given his propensity to get hurt, it still wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to try to get someone less injury-prone than him, like Carlos Gomez.
