Morning Read's 2020 'Best Reads of the Year'

Greetings, readers. The 2020 golf year likely will be remembered like the year at large: surreal and strange, heartbreaking and hopeful. But this year like no other also produced some unforgettable golf – and superb storytelling. Throughout 2020, our team of writers did what they do best: report, entertain, inform and opine. And at times, they tried simply to give you something else to think about, as we all needed a distraction here and there. We're proud of our talented and eclectic mix of contributors. In fact, this year alone we added nearly 50 new names to the Morning Read masthead, including more than three dozen video contributors and podcasters.
We also published several hundred stories: profiles, features, columns, tournament recaps and more. So, as this year comes to an end, we take a moment to honor great writing. Here are Morning Read's “Best Reads of 2020” in the order in which they were published.
Feb. 9:If you like vanilla, you’ll love the new golf broadcast on CBS, by John Hawkins.
May 10: Vijay Singh doesn’t belong on the Korn Ferry Tour, by Mike Van Sickle.
May 11:Arnie and me, by Dan O’Neill.
May 13:Golf around the world is emerging from the coronavirus. Now comes the hard part, by Brad Klein.
July 6: The sad and unexpected demise of golf courses I’ve played, by Gary Van Sickle.
Aug. 3:TPC Harding Park relishes its glorious revival, by Joe Passov.
Aug. 6:Jones Sports digs into its roots to set its future, by Janice Ferguson.
Aug. 7:The day Joe Louis KO’d golf’s heavyweights, by George Willis.
Aug. 20:Golf raises eyebrows as it lowers decorum, by Alex Miceli.
Sept 30:How the pandemic has changed (and possibly saved) the game of golf, by Gary Van Sickle.
Oct. 26: Remembering perhaps the greatest Masters ever: Jack’s win in 1975, by Mike Purkey.
Nov. 10:Lee Elder basks in a legacy of achievement, by Pete McDaniel.
Nov. 11:Celebrate Dustin Johnson for what he isn’t: full of himself, by Dan O’Neill.
Nov. 23:‘The Match Part 3’ smells like Thanksgiving leftovers gone bad, by Alex Miceli.
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