Here Are the Ugliest Ryder Cup Uniforms of All Time
To quote an old joke, “The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise.”
It’s a savage barb, but there's evidence to support it. One only needs to take a peek over the fence at their local club or tune into any tour event to see men and women in funny pants chasing a little ball around a lawn.
For nearly a century, the biennial Ryder Cup has treated fans to one of the world’s great sporting spectacles—and at times the game’s worst fashion show. A dozen men from Europe face off against a squad from the U.S., while occasionally having questionable sartorial decisions forced upon them as a group. As a 12-pack, mistakes tend to echo.
The uniforms aren’t always terrible, but they are rarely good. Sometimes they rise to the level of entirely warranted ridicule and that’s why we are here. So without further ado here are the nine worst Ryder Cup uniforms.
The Worst Ryder Cup Uniforms of All Time
1961 U.S. Team

Honestly, these jackets aren’t that terrible, but they make the 1961 US team look like they are heading to St. Louis to roll their rocks at a bowling tournament and not Royal Lytham for the Ryder Cup. Notice how Arnold Palmer has chosen to ditch his jacket for a classic trench coat? He may not have completed the career grand slam but he remains golf’s style GOAT.
1991 U.S. Team

Here we have the United States 1991 Ryder Cup Team dressed like the wait staff at a Kiawah yacht club. Sure pro golfers didn’t make quite as much as they do today, but did they really need to hustle for tips? “Captain Stockton, two Gin Rickeys, tout suite, si vous plait, and when you get back we’d love to hear about the specials.”
2008 European Team

There’s nothing terribly offensive about anything Faldo’s boys wore for the Day 2 matches at Valhalla Golf Club in Louisville. But somehow the combo here makes them look like an FA crew on a discount European airline flight from Manchester to Tenerife.
1997 U.S. Team

After this picture was taken, Freddie Couples, Justin Leonard and Davis Love III whacked a guy, dumped him in the Pine Barrens and hit the Bada Bing for drinks. Seriously, why are they all dressed like Tony Soprano? I’d bet real money that every article of clothing in this image was purchased at a Ross just off the Garden State Parkway somewhere between Matawan and Red Bank. Just kidding DL3 … please don’t break my legs!
1979 European Team

To close out the '70s, the U.S. trounced Team Oatmeal 17-11 at the Greenbrier in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. Seriously, these colors all seem inspired by different varieties of hot cereal and they all clash with Faldo’s hair.
2006 U.S. Team

When I first saw these duds, I assumed they were designed by a Middlebury professor moonlighting at Orvis during summer break. But then I remembered that Tom Lehman captained the team that year and thought the more likely source was some new old stock from a Duluth haberdashery that went out of business 20 years earlier.
1993 European Team Wives and Girlfriends

The trophy these women are showing off is not the Ryder cup. It is in fact the runner-up award for the ugliest sweater in England. Well done ladies! And thank you for demonstrating the importance of teamwork.
1989 U.S. Team

I love golf, but this ensemble makes me want to repent and take up tennis. If the sweater were just an American flag print stolen from John Daly’s closet I’d respect it more. But instead the designer has chosen to "re-interpret" Old Glory into a pattern fit for bathroom wallpaper. Paired with a flat cap featuring the actual red, white and blue, this uniform was so tacky and jingoistic even the General George S. Patton was rooting for Europe from his grave.
1999 U.S. Team

You knew it was coming. The pièce de résistance! This is quite possibly the ugliest golf shirt ever made. But Justin Leonard probably still wears it around the house. You can’t really blame him … he was on the cover.