Ranking All the Plants You'll Hear About on the U.S. Open Broadcast
With less than 48 hours before the first competitive tee shot flies at the U.S. Open, the clock is ticking for on-course reporters to bone up on the diverse native vegetation growing on Pinehurst No. 2. And they'd better hit the books with some seriousness because it's a tall task keeping all 75 varieties catalogued by researchers at North Carolina State University.
NBC Sports' Smylie Kaufman, who will be walking the course this weekend, shared some in-house research provided by the network so we can all be on the same page. He also envisioned a scenario where an errant drive becomes a dream come true for botany enthusiasts.
We'd caution that this could be a dangerous game. Golf has a rich history of viewers at home calling in when something seems amiss, rules-wise. Throw in a newly engaged audience watching with an eagle eye in case any plant is misidentified and we could be looking at apex mountain for Well, Actually ....
The comprehensive list features some truly great names. We will try to rank the top 65 varieties who survived the cut as best as scientifically as possible. Which is not at all scientific.
65. Purple Coneflower
64. English Holly
63. Bush Clover
62. Bahiagrass
61. Lemon Mint
60. Red Poppy
59. Broomsedge
58. Butterfly-pea
57. Annual Ragweed
56. Sassafras
55. Carolina Wiregrass
54. Rose Mallow
53. Pineweed
52. Butterfly Weed
51. Red Sorrel
50. Large Crabgrass
49. Scarlet Sage
48. Purslane
47. Common Mullein
46. Chinese Forget Me Not
45. American Pokeweed
44. Pale Smartweed
43. Golden Aster
42. Cutleaf English-primrose
41. Black-eyed Susan
40. Goosegrass
39. Rough Buttonweed
38. Plains Coreopsis
37. Blue Sandhill Lupine
36. Mexican Clover
35. Morning Glory
34. Siberian Wallflower
33. Wild Bergamot
32. Yellow Lantana
31. Carolina Falsedandelion
30. Henbit-nettle
29. Woolly Croton
28. Wild Geranium
27. Spotted Spruge
26. Tall Goldenrod
25. Winged Sumac
24. Eastern Pricklypear
23. Spotted Beebalm
22. Indian Blanket
21. Yellow Woodsorrell
20. Sicklepod
19. Stemless Ironweed
18. Hare's Foot Clover
17. Horseweed
16. Wandering Cudweed
15. Dogfennel
14. Slender Vervain
13. Common Fleabane
12. Blue Toadflax
11. Sulphur Cosmos
10. Sulphur Cosmos
9. Yellow Nutsedge
8. Common Lambsquarter
7. Virginia Creeper
6. False Foxglove
5. Four O'Clocks
4. Spiderwort
3. Stiff Aster
2. Venus' Looking-grass
1. Wild Cosmos sensation mix
So many good band names on this list. Or tea flavors.
Once again, good luck to anyone on-site trying to keep all of these straight. Feels like they'll have to keep a yardage book in one pocket and a field guide in the other.