SB Live California Podcast: Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks makes guest appearance

In this week’s episode of the Scorebook Live California Podcast, reporter Connor Morrissette speaks with Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks.
SB Live California Podcast: Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks makes guest appearance
SB Live California Podcast: Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks makes guest appearance /

In this week’s episode of the Scorebook Live California Podcast, reporter Connor Morrissette speaks with Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks about how COVID-19 is affecting his football program, what he learned in year one at Granada, how he plans to improve, his thoughts on the 2020 NFL Draft and much more.

Listen below:

Episode 25: Bucky Brooks by Scorebook Live California Podcast

In this week's episode of the Scorebook Live California Podcast, reporter Connor Morrissette speaks with Granada Hills head football coach Bucky Brooks about how COVID-19 is affecting his football program, what he learned in year one at Granada and how he plans to improve, his thoughts on the NFL Draft and much more.

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Connor Morrissette, SBLive Sports

Connor Morrissette is a Senior Reporter for SBLive Sports.