Top stars, best performances for Jan. 22 in Mississippi high school girls basketball

From Porter's Chapel guard Yakia Burns to Jackson Prep guard Andie Flatgard, there were several standout girls basketball performances across the state of
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 22 in Mississippi high school girls basketball
Top stars, best performances for Jan. 22 in Mississippi high school girls basketball /

From Porter's Chapel guard Yakia Burns to Jackson Prep guard Andie Flatgard, there were several standout girls basketball performances across the state of Mississippi on Friday, Jan. 22.

Here's a look at Friday's top girls basketball performances:

Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.



Samya Brooks, Pontotoc: Brooks scored 18 points to lead Pontotoc to an 83-45 win Shannon.

Yakia Burns, Porter's Chapel: Burns scored 40 points and pulled down 11 rebounds to lead Porter's Chapel to a 72-65 overtime win over Greenville Christian.

Amari Davis, North Pike: Davis drilled a 3-pointer at the buzzer to lift North Pike to a 35-34 win over Lanier.

Ella Wesley Davis, MRA: Wesley Davis scored 14 points to lead MRA to a 40-19 win over PCS.

Andie Flatgard, Jackson Prep: Flatgard drilled the game-winning shot in overtime and finished with 20 points to lead Jackson Prep to a 50-47 OT win over Jackson Academy.

Malaesha Liddell, Lake Cormorant: Liddell scored 19 points in Lake Cormorant's 34-28 loss to Saltillo.

Rhema Pegues, Olive Branch: Pegues scored 20 points as Olive Branch rolled to a 76-27 win over Lewisburg.

Macie Phifer, Ingomar: Phifer scored 22 points to lead Ingomar to a 59-25 win over Smithville.

Kennedy Ransom, Madison Central: Ransom scored 16 points to lead Madison Central to a 55-33 win over Warren Central.

McKinna Smith, Jackson Academy: Smith tallied 13 points, 10 rebounds and three assists in Jackson Academy's 50-47 overtime loss to Jackson Prep.

Sky Vaughn, Pontotoc: Vaughn scored 17 points to help Pontotoc to an 83-45 win Shannon.

Macie Walker, Belmont: Walker scored a game-high 22 points to lead Belmont to a 59-34 win over Booneville.


Did we miss someone? Tag us on Twitter or Instagram @sblivems and let us know. We’ll update the post with more top performances as they are submitted by readers.
