Vote now for best high school mascot in America, Sweet 16: Punxsutawney Chucks vs. Tillamook Cheesemakers
We're on to the Sweet 16 in SBLive Sports' NCAA Tournament-style contest to determine the best high school mascot in America.
Vote below for the No. 4-seeded Punxsutawney Chucks (Pennsylvania) or the No. 9-seeded Tillamook Cheesemakers (Oregon) to advance to the Elite Eight. The Chucks beat the Lake Forest Academy Caxys (Illinois) and the Cheesemakers topped the Fordyce Redbugs (Arkansas) in Round 2.
The Chucks earned a 4 seed by picking up 2,591 votes in our fall contests, while the Cheesemakers earned a 9 seed with 63 votes.
Follow along: National Mascot Tournament 2023 Bracket
Voting for this matchup will conclude Monday, May 22, at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.
Editor's note: In the event of a tie, the team with the better seed will prevail based on the results of our fall mascot contest.
4. Punxsutawney Chucks (Pennsylvania)
Choosing to steer clear of the obvious Punxsutawney Phils, Punxsutawney High School went with the Chucks, which is short for woodchucks, which is another name for groundhogs. Maybe Bill Murray wakes up every morning at the same time listening to "I Got You Babe" and thinking about the Punxsutawney Chucks.
9. Tillamook Cheesemakers (Oregon)
Located just off the coast in the Pacific Northwest, Tillamook High School paid homage to the famous cheese company based out of the city.