SBLive Sports now offers photos for purchase of high school sporting events

SBLive has an elite network of freelance professional photographers across the nation and the spectacular images they capture are showcased in team albums
Photo by Heston Quan

Parents and fans can now cherish those high school sports moments for a lifetime by purchasing high-quality digital downloads on High School on SI, powered by the SBLive Professional Photographers Network!

This elite network is comprised of freelance pro photographers across the nation who cover high school sporting events.

Images are available for viewing and purchasing in albums published on individual team pages - and other high-traffic pages - on SI and SBLive. Photographers establish what they charge for their work.

Columbus (Fla.) vs. Mandarin varsity football album shown on SBLive team page. /

There are two digital download sizes available for purchase - the web and the print resolutions. The web download is best for slideshow and web use while the print resolution is best for making 8x10 and 16x20 prints.

You can search for galleries of your team directly from our Professional Photographers Network homepage.

The SBLive Sports 2023-24 Photo of the Year. / Photo by Robbie Rakestraw

Todd Shurtleff