Bella Flemings drops 47, Brennan avenges Clark to reach Texas high school girls state tournament

Flemings, nation's No. 12 rated prospect, hit contested floater at buzzer to send game to double-overtime

With the season on the line, San Antonio Brennan leaned on its star sophomore.

And Bella Flemings, one of the top-rated underclassmen prospects in the nation, delivered.

Flemings poured a career-high 47 points and hit one key shot after another to lead San Antonio Brennan (32-3) to the Texas high school girls state tournament next week.

In overtime, she hit a game-tying shot at the buzzer to force double-overtime where Brennan pulled away to beat Clark, 80-73, in a battle of San Antonio powers.

The Bears won't need to travel far when they face Summer Creek in the 6A state semifinals on Friday night at the Alamodome.

Now, the Bears head to state after beating defending 6A state champion Clark in double-overtime of a Texas high school girls basketball regional final barn-burner in San Antonio.

The win avenges Brennan's 57-38 loss to Clark in the same round last year. 

Flemings entered the game averaging 15.8 points, 5.4 boards, 3.0 assists and 2.2 steals per game. 

She's the No. 12 rated prospect nationally, per ESPN's HoopGurlz, and was poised for a massive sophomore season after posting 14.8 points, a team-high 6.2 rebounds and 3.2 assistants per game as a ninth grader.

-- Andy Buhler | | @sblivetx

Andy Buhler, SBLive Sports

Andy Buhler is a Regional Editor of Texas and the national breaking news desk. He brings more than five years of experience covering high school sports across the state of Washington and beyond, where he covered the likes of Paolo Banchero and Tari Eason served on state tournament seeding committees. He works on the SBLive/Sports Illustrated Power 25 national boys basketball rankings. He has covered everything from the Final Four, MLS in Atlanta to local velodrome before diving into the world of preps. His bylines can be found in The News Tribune (Tacoma, Washington), The Associated Press, The Columbian (Vancouver, Washington), The Oregonian and more. He holds a degree from Gonzaga and is based out of Portland, Oregon.