Watch and vote: Top regular season plays in Washington high school boys and girls basketball

Scorebook Live has teamed up with Rapid Replay to showcase the Weekly Top Plays in Washington! With the regular season now over for Washington high school boys
Watch and vote: Top regular season plays in Washington high school boys and girls basketball
Watch and vote: Top regular season plays in Washington high school boys and girls basketball /

Scorebook Live has teamed up with Rapid Replay to showcase the Weekly Top Plays in Washington! With the regular season now over for Washington high school boys and girls basketball, we put together the top plays of the season. Watch the video below and cast your vote for the top play!

We Capture or upload your highlights of each game using the Rapid Replay mobile app, and those videos will be eligble for the postseason's top plays!

VOTE: Scorebook Live's best play of the regular season

Bryce Parker + Josiah Miller (Curtis) alley oop

Niveya Henley (Mt. Spokane) no look pass

Quinton Jordan (Garfield) big block

John Cristofilis + Paolo Banchero (O'Dea) alley oop

Micah Monroe (Rainier Beach) coast to coast

JT Tuimoloau (Eastside Catholic) big block

Download Rapid Replay mobile app now to get started and film your first clips.

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