'Around the Horn' Panelist Suffers Shocking 501-Point Deduction

A bad Bill Belichick impression has dire consequences.
David Dennis lost 501 points just like that.
David Dennis lost 501 points just like that. / Around the Horn on X

Every top economist agrees that the points on Around The Horn are made up and don't matter, so when host Tony Reali takes them away it has the same real-world impact as when Dwight took away Schrute Bucks in The Office, but it's still noteworthy when a misstep costs a contestant 501 points. Which is exactly what happened to David Dennis Jr. before Wednesday's episode.

The show released behind-the-scenes footage of Dennis trying to talk his way out of the historic ding brought about by being loud wrong about Bill Belichick never coaching at North Carolina. And frankly, in this day and age where everyone can fire off their hottest takes without ever having to answer for them, it was wholly refreshing.

If there's any solace for Dennis, he is still comfortably atop the standings in terms of total points earned for the year. Of course, as stated above, that doesn't mean anything and there's nowhere to redeem these—not even a Fun Zone where even the cheapest eraser will set a panelist back 75 points.

You may be sitting there thinking that this is a gross act of injustice. But anyone who hasn't realized that Reali and the producers sit behind their big, fancy equipment and orchestrate drama in a system without checks and balances like Kristof from The Truman Show hasn't been paying attention. It's all capricious and arbitrary but that's just the way things work in that world.

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Kyle Koster

Kyle Koster is an assistant managing editor at Sports Illustrated covering the intersection of sports and media. He was formerly the editor in chief of The Big Lead, where he worked from 2011 to '24. Koster also did turns at the Chicago Sun-Times, where he created the Sports Pros(e) blog, and at Woven Digital.