Michael Kay Was Offended By an SNY Ad During His Radio Show

Kay feels he's in the best booth in baseball.
La Greca, Kay and Rosenberg discuss an ad buy.
La Greca, Kay and Rosenberg discuss an ad buy. / YES

Michael Kay of ESPN New York's The Michael Kay Show had a bit of an existential crisis on Wednesday after he heard an ad for SNY's upcoming broadcast of a game between the New York Yankees and New York Mets. Kay, the voice of the Yankees on YES, did not appreciate SNY promoting their own booth as "the best in baseball" and it turned into a truly weird radio segment.

Kay came out of a commercial break telling co-hosts Don La Greca and Peter Rosenberg that he had something to say that might get him into trouble. Asked by La Greca who he might get into trouble with, Kay said it could be his bosses or advertisers, which probably had listeners on the edge of their seats.

What Kay said next seemed to confuse more than upset.

"We appreciate every single one of the people that spend their money to advertise on the show," said Kay. "And SNY is one of those people. So, ya know, the game's on YES tonight and the game is on SNY. So the way it breaks down is Mets fans usually watch on SNY and Yankees fans will watch on YES. But their ad which ran during the last break, Enjoy the Subway Series with the best booth in baseball. I mean, do you expect me to just take that lying down? I think our booth is the best booth in baseball."

Kay's co-hosts understood where he was coming from, but couldn't quite get on board. "When people are promoting themselves," said Rosenberg. "They say the number one blank. You know sometimes when people say number one, I don't know if you know this, they're not always telling the truth."

La Greca also asked who Kay should be upset with and revealed that SNY previously tried to get an ad read with the show. Kay just seemed annoyed with the whole thing, even though admitted he liked the SNY crew (Gary Cohen, Ron Darling and Keith Hernandez) and was glad they were spending on ads during the show.

It would be great if this turned into something because then we might learn if SNY was really being nefarious here. Is this an ad that ran during other shows? Was it specifically made for the Michael Kay Show with the intention of needling Kay?

The only way we may know anything is if SNY bought ad space on Thursday's show ahead of the second game of the series. Otherwise, the public may never get the answers to these questions. As for Kay, he can get the ultimate revenge by continuing to do his best work in the broadcast booth. Even if SNY never admits it in their ads.

Stephen Douglas


Stephen Douglas is a Senior Writer on the Breaking & Trending News Team at Sports Illustrated. He has been in journalism and media since 2008, and now casts a wide net with coverage across all sports. Stephen spent more than a decade with The Big Lead and has previously written for Uproxx and The Sporting News. He has three children, two degrees and one now unverified Twitter account.